Thursday, August 17, 2017

Kindergarten and Feelings

Sugar Cookie* started kindergarten today.  This day came around so fast!  In reality I know that it didn't happen fast, yet I feel as if it did.  I feel like today kindergarten, tomorrow high school.  Pay me no never mind; just a grandmother feeling all the feels today.  As I stood outside the school this afternoon, waiting for Sugar Cookie to depart, I engaged in one of my favorite activities:  people watching.  I like to observe people--I can't help it.  Anyway, I was watching a small group of young women talking together, in their 30's I would guess, all tanned and toned and skinny.  Now, in my fat days, I would have tried my best to make myself invisible because I would have felt inadequate compared to those younger, thinner women.  I would not have wanted to be compared to them.  Today I suddenly realized that I sensed nothing when I looked at them.  I didn't feel inadequate.  I didn't want to be invisible.  I felt...good enough.  Then I realized that these people would never think of me as fat--they didn't know me "when".  Anyone I meet now through Sugar Cookie's school is going to associate me with being skinny Nana.  Actually, anybody new I meet from here on out will never know the fat me, unless I show them pictures.  And that's kind of a weird feeling.

8/18/2017 ETA (I posted this entry yesterday, even though I knew in my heart it wasn't finished...I simply couldn't form the final thoughts as to what I needed to say.  Then on the quiet drive home, when a lot of my "aha!" moments come, I knew what else I wanted to say.  So here it is:

I don't want strangers to look at me and think dismissively, "She's probably one of those naturally skinny people who can eat anything they want and never gain a pound.  I wish I was like her."  Umm...NO.  I worked hard to get down to the size I am now.  I gave up a lot to lose those pounds, and I have to CONTINUE working hard to KEEP those pounds off.  As I've said before, it's simple but it ain't easy.  Nothing about this lifestyle is easy; this takes full-on commitment, and constant vigilance.  I guess I don't want anyone taking skinny Nana for granted.  The best I can hope for is that I can share this way of life with anybody who asks.

*The blog nickname for my granddaughter; she was born on national sugar cookie day.  :-)