Tuesday, February 6, 2018

02/06/2018 Giving up Fruit and Nuts (again)

In November I started experimenting with adding fruit back into my diet.  I limited myself to apples and grapes, with the occasional berry thrown in (blue- and straw-).  At first all seemed well, and I had no weight gain or other adverse effects.  I also added some nuts at the same time (mistake), AND stopped weighing every day (mistake).  That was three months ago; now it's time to look at the cold, hard truths.

My weight was at 150 lbs in November when I was eating "clean".  I stepped on the scale this morning and I am now at 159.6 lbs.  Oh hell no, we are not having any of this.  As of now, I have stopped all fruit and nuts, and I will resume daily weigh-ins.  Oh, I forgot to mention that I've also been consuming cheese far too often.

What the hell was I thinking??

Now, the fruit and nuts were a legitimate experiment, I feel, to see how my body would respond.  In hind sight, I should have continued my daily weighing AND tried only one of those items at a time.  (I may try one or both of those items again some day, but it will not be anytime soon.)  The cheese, however....???  I know my system does not tolerate cheese well.  I'm wondering if the sweetness of the fruit blinded my sense or sensibility, or something, causing some cravings that I wasn't even truly aware of.  (I think I just lost my damn mind for a while!)

So this is me, being accountable and truthful.  I have not been leading with the diet; I have not been weighing daily; I have not been taking good care of myself.  I have been allowing some emotional eating to creep in, and that is unacceptable.  (Still low carb. foods, but unacceptable for my system nonetheless.)  As of today, I am back to clean eating; no fruit, no nuts, no cheese, and I will weigh myself every morning.  I need that accountability, that number slapping me back to reality.  :-)