Monday, November 23, 2015


I knew I was going to wash this morning (Monday), so yesterday evening I did a coconut oil treatment.  I had never used coconut oil on my hair but have been eager to do so after reading about many positive results had by other long-hairs. Coconut oil remains a solid up to around 76 degrees, yet melts fairly easily in the palms of your hands.  For the sake of expediency next time though, I will probably melt the coconut oil in the microwave first.  Rather than reinvent the wheel, so to speak, I'm including a link to a good page of instructions.  Quite by coincidence, I happen to use the same brand of coconut oil this lady shows in her instructions, and I can attest that there is no smell.  

I put a lot of coconut oil on my hair yesterday, from the roots down to the tips of my length.  Then I put on a plastic (disposable) cap and left it on overnight.  I wanted the oil to have a good long time to sink in.  Just in case the cap slipped, I slept with a towel over my pillow.  This morning I used a cleansing shampoo* and my usual condish+honey, and my hair feels quite nice.  (*That old Pantene cleansing shampoo that I cannot find in stores or online.  Wonder how old this stuff is?!?  Perhaps it's time for some new stuff!!)  I will definitely incorporate coconut oil treatments into my regular routine.  

I've been making an effort to wear my hair down more often, either in a side braid, a segmented ponytail, or simply loose altogether.  Although wearing it down may not be an option for very long, since my Missouri autumns and winters can be pretty windy.  I've also been making an effort to use a comb on my hair instead of a brush, and doing some finger combing throughout the day.  (P.s. never, never, ever use a brush on wet hair, period.)  

 I fell yesterday, landed on my right knee.  The Mister & I were clearing junk out of the old shop.  (He moved his business across the street, have I mentioned?  Shoot, I can't remember.)  I was carrying an old printer, tripped over some 2x4s and went down hard on a concrete floor.  There's a nice goose egg on the knee and I can tell I'm going to have some really groovy colors in a couple of days.  There's a smaller bruised area on my right elbow, and I wouldn't be surprised if I don't also see a bruise on my (right) hip, too.  *shrug*  What can I say...we were both exhausted from moving stuff all day and things happen.  Hey, at least I didn't smack my noggin on the concrete, eh.  

Thursday, November 12, 2015


Did a cleansing wash earlier this week, using a Pantene product (what else) whose name escapes me, and for the life of me I cannot find online.  Well, I know I purchased it a few years ago but, golly, I didn't think it was *that* old.  I think it's a Nature Fusion shampoo containing rosemary and mint.  Oh well, no matter.  Anyway, after the cleansing wash, I slathered on a (Pantene) deep conditioning masque, letting that soak in while I continued with my shower.  Rinsed, gentle towel squeezing, then air drying finished it off.  Need to incorporate vinegar rinses in my routine soon.  

What is it about autumn that makes me want to wear lipstick??  I don't wear makeup period; I can't be bothered, it's expensive, and I think I look fine without it.  (So does The Mister.)  But it seems like every fall I get a sudden urge to buy and wear lipstick.  Could it be I'm trying to make up for the lack of color that autumn brings, what with the dying foliage, grey skies and brown grass?  Perhaps, and that seems as good a reason as any.  At any rate, I'm taking a day off from work tomorrow and one of my to-do items is buy new lipstick...or two.  

I'll also be clothes shopping.  Not my favorite activity, however my winter long sleeve shirt stockpile has gotten woefully low and I also need a couple of pair of trousers.  Maybe even a new pair of loafers, if I can find a bargain.  And socks…I need new (dressy) socks.  I'm leaning more toward trousers now that cooler temperatures have arrived. 

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Apparently my hair is longer than I thought.  When I measure, the number doesn't mean much to me.  But when I snap a photo...

I appear to be very close to waist length--maybe an inch away, perhaps.  See where my hand is resting?  That's my waist.  Holy cow.  (Also, this outfit seems to have become my official hair length photo, as I have worn it in the last 3 or 4 photos.  lol)  

I'm loving the addition of honey in my conditioner.  I've started using it on all of my hair, not only the length.  My process is to slather the condish on my length first, then apply the leftover to the hair on top of my head.  Somebody somewhere (probably a magazine article) told me to condition only the length, the hair below the ears, but never to the top of your head because it would make your hair look greasy.  And so that was the rule I stuck to for decades.  But lately I got to thinking, eventually the hair on top of my hair will eventually become my length, and it deserves special treatment too.  

Even though I don't use any product on my hair, (no spray, no gel, no leave-ins, etc.) shampoo and condish can build up too, and so I need to start doing regular cleansing washes followed by a deep conditioner.  Maybe this weekend I'll have time to do so.

We had to have another of our cats put down last night.  Without going into detail, the vet determined kitty had suffered a snake bite.  Slim, pictured below, makes three we've lost this year, leaving us with three.  He was a stray we took in, who turned into a fine and loving pet.  Rest well, my friend.