Wednesday, December 23, 2015


Washed and conditioned this morning, left the length down.  Had I taken a noon time walk, I would have clipped it up for safety's sake.  Very much looking forward to next week's cut.  I took the "before" picture this morning and will post it along with the "after" shot when I return from break.

The weather is crazy here...68 degrees with a thunderstorm and a tornado watch today.  --Two days before Christmas!  It's unheard of!!  Not complaining, mind you...because aaalll of this wetness would be snow or ice if our temperature was down where it normally hits in December.  I was planning on taking a nice walk during the lunch hour today, but the wind is pretty fierce.  I may try to brave it later on, if things settle down.

The Grand-daughter has strep throat, ugh.  Just diagnosed yesterday and already has a couple of doses of the medicine shooshting through her system, so I'm hopeful the virus didn't have time to gain much of a foothold.  I picked her up early from school yesterday (to take her to the doctor) and I could tell she was sick when she said not one word.  As The Mister says, she usually talks so much you'd think she'd been inoculated with a phonograph needle.  Now this morning she woke up more like her old self, talking and smiling.  The school has a 24-hour "stay away" policy when there is fever involved, which she had...low-grade, thank goodness, so today my little princess stayed home with her mama.

Today, Wednesday, is my Friday and the entire university community is holding our collective breath, waiting for word to come from On High to dismiss early.  My Christmas shopping is finished, thank the Lord above, but I do need to fuel up the car, and then I can head home.  The Mister's shop will be closed tomorrow and Christmas day, however he will be on call (as always).  While I'm on holiday I plan on cleaning the house...I'm talking the level of removing the vent covers to vacuum, etc.  Anyway, I don't come back to work until January 4...I'll be one year older and have shorter hair.  LoL

To anyone and everyone who reads this mess of a blog, I wish you & yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad your sugar cookie is over her illness. Merry Christmas to you and your family!
