Taken just this morning; you're getting a photo instead of a number, since I didn't have time to measure. Length is coming along nicely. It seems...thinner since I got it cut this last time. Don't know if I'm simply imagining it (hopefully) or if the thinning has truly gotten worse. I try not to focus on that issue too much, because worrying does no good. As long as I keep it clean, or use the dry shampoo, the hair on top of my head looks all right. Still using Pantene "thickening" products and washing about every other day.
March was a busy month, and not entirely a good one. One of my three remaining aunts, my mother's twin sister, fell in her home on the 7th and broke a hip. (I don't know what it is about older folks breaking hips, but it happens a lot.) She turned 89 in February. Aunt "Em" has some sort of dementia; she's been showing all the typical signs for at least three years now. But she's an old farm gal, and country folk tend not to thrive in nursing homes. Maybe it's a caged animal type of thing, I don't know. So anyway, her children were trying to keep her at home for as long as possible. They would check on her daily, more than once every day. But sh*t happens, you know. *shrug* After healing from hip surgery, my aunt is now in a nursing home, where I'm sure she will live out the remainder of her days. I visited her once during the hospital stay; she didn't know me. It didn't upset me, because I've been around enough people with dementia to know how to navigate those murky waters. But I doubt I'll visit her in the nursing home. The part of my brain that is always concerned with social niceties makes me feel that I should go. But I mean, she doesn't recognize me, so what would be the point?
Turning to happier news, on Sunday, the 20th of March, The Mister and I both qualified for a conceal carry permit. My state requires 8 hours of training, 4 of those in a lecture setting and 4 on the shooting range. I was happy to see a good amount of ladies in the class, 7 out of 19 total.
It took me four different guns and four hours but, by golly, I did it. Of course The Mister had no problems. Show off! :-) I own a S&W .38 hammerless revolver, and that's initially the gun I was shooting. But the recoil was too much for me; it hurts my hands, not to mention scaring the crap out of me. So my instructor had me try different pistols. First a .38 *with* a hammer; a little better, still way too much recoil. The Mister's 9mm had less recoil than both .38s, but still too much for me. Finally the instructor brought out a sweet 1911 .22 -- it was smooth as glass...no recoil whatsoever! Once I found the right gun, I had no problem placing 15 out of 20 required shots within the black silhouette.
A few days after the class, The Mister took me to a local gun shop and let me pick out a new (to me) .22, another S&W. He even constructed a couple of target holders for us to use at home, clever man! Anyway, the right gun makes all the difference. This one is a joy to shoot and I want to practice every day. (Realistically, I don't have time, but I *want* to shoot every day.) I have not yet worn the .22 concealed. First, I don't yet have a holster for it. Secondly, I spend most of my week days at the office, on a university campus, where conceal carrying a weapon is against the rules (and could be a firing offense, if severe enough). Thirdly, I have to decide if I want to carry on body or off body (a purse or bag). I do intend to carry concealed, however I'm in no hurry.
And good news for The Daughter, as she started her new job yesterday, hoorah! It was all orientation crap yesterday for eight hours, and another four this morning. But this afternoon, she'll get started at the actual job. She's so happy to be working again, and I'm happy for her. The Mister and I will continue to provide financial support, until she starts seeing how much a normal paycheck will amount to. Just happy we can help.
Spring is here, GLORIOUS SPRING!!! Everything is green and blooming, the birds are singing and the bees are, er, bee-ing. LoL Soon the hummingbirds will arrive, hungry and demanding their sugar water. I kept track of sugar use for a three year span a while back, and I average 60 pounds each summer, so I've already been stocking up. And of course the grass already needs cutting, but first there's a ton of sticks that have to be picked up and done away with. Always something to do on the farm!
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