I sort of dropped off the face of the earth for a while there, didn't I? Sorry about that!
Haven't measured in...oh, probably three months; the above photo was snapped a few minutes ago. Just from doing a "feel", I'd say my hair is at least an inch away from the top of the band of my bra. I'm still practicing benign neglect--just a wash and condition every 2-3 days, and keeping it up most of the time (either in a low pony or a clip). I read a tip somewhere online the other day that sounds so simple that I wonder why I didn't think of doing it myself. On wash days, where you would normally lather up, then rinse, then apply conditioner, then rinse again...basically you lather, do not rinse, apply conditioner, THEN you rinse it all out at the same time. It sounds interesting enough that I'm going to give it a whirl soon.
Not much has happened between April and now. Well, I broke a pinky toe, so I guess that's not nothing. At least I'm pretty sure it's broken, or fractured at the very least. I did not seek medical attention because I know nothing can be done, medically speaking, for broken toes. The short story is that a heavy door closed over my foot, rolling the pinky toe into an unnatural position and SNAP. It felt like a gash; in fact, I expected to find a pool of blood when I removed my shoe at home. Instead, the toe was red and swollen, and already starting to turn lovely shades of purple. That happened on...I think it was the 17th of May, so I've already gotten in some healing time. I can only wear sneakers (my wonderful Asics), but at least I am at the point now where I can mostly move at a normal gait, provided I am careful. Oh, it lets me know when I move the wrong way, trust me!
We're experiencing a very wet spring here in Southeast Missouri, one of the wettest ones I can remember. My daughter jokingly says it's my fault for planting a garden. LoL I planted tomatoes (17 plants...why did I plant so many?!), edamame, cucumber, eggplant, pumpkin, watermelon, squash, cataloupe, and The Mister planted 2 rows of sweet corn and 1 of bush beans. Sugar Cookie has been helping with the planting and the watering; it's good experience for her.
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