Tuesday, May 23, 2017


157.5 today
Had a conversation (via email) with my friend and mentor Adele yesterday.  She reminded me how important low carb veggies are to our Lead With the Diet lifestyle.  Even though I had only gone zero carb for about a week, as a sort of system reboot, so to speak, I needed the veggie reminder.  I had forgotten about the veggie rule...  I have not been getting at least 11 grams of daily carbs from (low carb) veggies.  I don't know why that's so hard for me to remember, however this is why it's a good idea to reread Adele's essays.  So for a while, I'm returning to tracking my food in my log at Fitday.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017


Well, I found another food item that I cannot eat:  Oscar Mayer Smokies (Smoked Sausages).  The ingredient list runs as follows--

Ingredients: Ingredients: Pork, Water, Beef, Contains Less Than 2% of Corn SyrupSalt, (1)Potassium LactateGround Mustard SeedSodium PhosphatesMustard Flour,Monosodium GlutamateSodium DiacetateSodium AscorbateSodium Nitrite, Flavor, Soy Lecithin. Contains Soy

Every time I eat these tasty things I gain weight...every damn time.  I don't know if it's the "less than 2% corn syrup" or the soy, or what, and the why doesn't even matter.  The bottom line is weight gain and my body cannot handle them.  So no mas for me.  I didn't even know what some of those ingredients were (I'm just now looking them up).  So in the future, I should not eat anything containing unknown-to-me ingredients.  

(1) Potassium lactate is a compound with formula KC3H5O3, or H3C-CHOH-COOK. It is the potassium salt of lactic acid. It is produced by neutralizing lactic acid which is fermented from a sugar source.

Friday, May 12, 2017


Weight 156 today.
I had a dalliance with peanut butter a few weeks ago that momentarily derailed me; got back up to 158 pounds.  I must have lost my damn mind if I thought I could handle peanut butter...the devil's spread is what it is!!  LoL  Thankfully, I realized in time that I can IN NO WAY eat even just a little peanut butter, and so I threw away half a jar.  Nana ain't havin' none of it, nosireebob.  Also, I'm going zero carb, at least for a while.  I do this every now and then, eat only meat.  My body does very well on zero carb.

I got a haircut today, a short, short haircut and I absolutely love it!  All of a sudden, I just couldn't stand my hair anymore.  It's as if it reaches a certain length  nowadays and then (I think) it doesn't look good...as if longish hair doesn't suit me anymore.  And maybe it doesn't.  Maybe I'm not *that* person anymore, just like I'm not the person who weighs 200 pounds anymore.  Hmm...