161.5 today
This is my last day of work for the year; I'll return on January 3rd. I have no big plans for my holiday, only to take things easy. I do need to shop for some items, such as new bras and pants. When you lose weight, there's a period of time where most of your clothing still fits, or you can at least make do with belts and such. But at some point, usually around the 35-40 pound loss, things start to look sloppy and you should really just break down and buy some new pieces. I'm not advocating replacing your entire wardrobe at the same time...who has that kind of money? (Unless you DO have that kind of money, in which case I say go for it.) Anyway yes, a small part of my holiday will be spent shopping, which is one of my least favorite things to do. I have a couple of books on hand should I feel like reading. I have season 5 of Longmire on dvd that a friend sent to me, so I'll watch that. And there's always house cleaning that needs doing. I may take some walks, if the weather is nice, i.e. not freezing cold. That's one downside of losing weight--I've been colder this year than I have in a very long time. I'm having to wear an undershirt everyday just to stay at a decent temperature! But that's a downside that I will gladly endure in the pursuit of losing weight and getting healthy.
Here's wishing everyone who reads this a very happy Christmas along with a blessed and prosperous New Year!!
It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not. --James Gordon, MD
Thursday, December 22, 2016
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
162 today
Here it is already Christmastime, and there's something on my mind...
There are four co-workers to whom I always give Christmas goodies: my boss, the secretary, and 2 others in the office. In years past, I usually give them homemade cookies, and I had also planned to do that again this year. I like baking cookies, I can't help it. However...3 out of the 4 of these folks qualify as "obese". In light of my newfound healthy way of living, do I really want to contribute to their plight?? In all good conscience, I don't think I can keep on with my original plan (cookies, etc.) So I've been trying to think, what kind of goodies can I give them that are (a) food oriented and (b) low in carbohydrates and (c) healthy? (MY version of "healthy", not theirs!) Well, there are nuts, plain (as in no coating), hard cheeses, tea, & pork rinds as far as store-bought items. I have a very simple, yet amazing tasting, recipe for almond flour crackers. Those crackers would be great for my co-workers. You see, it just took a little shift in my thinking. My conscience is feeling better already!
Here it is already Christmastime, and there's something on my mind...
There are four co-workers to whom I always give Christmas goodies: my boss, the secretary, and 2 others in the office. In years past, I usually give them homemade cookies, and I had also planned to do that again this year. I like baking cookies, I can't help it. However...3 out of the 4 of these folks qualify as "obese". In light of my newfound healthy way of living, do I really want to contribute to their plight?? In all good conscience, I don't think I can keep on with my original plan (cookies, etc.) So I've been trying to think, what kind of goodies can I give them that are (a) food oriented and (b) low in carbohydrates and (c) healthy? (MY version of "healthy", not theirs!) Well, there are nuts, plain (as in no coating), hard cheeses, tea, & pork rinds as far as store-bought items. I have a very simple, yet amazing tasting, recipe for almond flour crackers. Those crackers would be great for my co-workers. You see, it just took a little shift in my thinking. My conscience is feeling better already!
Monday, November 28, 2016
163.5/164 today
I was 165 on Thanksgiving morning, and 164 the day after. I know that I am one of only a handful of people who actually lost weight over the Thanksgiving holiday.
Thanksgiving was totally a non-issue this year. I cooked all the usual items for my family, because that's what they want, but as for me, I simply ate turkey and broccoli. Easy, easy, easy.
I was 165 on Thanksgiving morning, and 164 the day after. I know that I am one of only a handful of people who actually lost weight over the Thanksgiving holiday.
Thanksgiving was totally a non-issue this year. I cooked all the usual items for my family, because that's what they want, but as for me, I simply ate turkey and broccoli. Easy, easy, easy.
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
165 today
Well, tomorrow is Thanksgiving, our national day of pigging out. People shovel food in as fast as they can, and then complain about how miserable they feel. It's crazy, and I am so glad to be off that train. I still have to cook all the standards for my family because that's what they want, and it's fine...I'm not tempted to sample and I don't have a problem cooking carby stuff. To make it easier on myself, I started cooking on Saturday, making the cornbread dressing. Then on Sunday I made the cranberry relish. Today the university will probably shut down early, so I'll have time to make the green bean casserole this afternoon before I have to head back into town to pick up The Granddaughter from school. Tomorrow then, all I'll need to make will be pies. The Mister will roast the turkey, and my daughter will make Mac + Cheese, and mashed potatoes and gravy (instant and store-bought). I'll chow down on roasted turkey, and will just need to heat up some frozen veggies for myself. Easy peasy...
The secretary in my office told me yesterday, after a doctor appointment, that her blood glucose level was very high and her doctor wants to see her back in 3 weeks for re-testing. She is fat, to put it bluntly, and eats a lot of carbohydrates. I wanted very badly to say, "I can help you lose weight which would probably regulate your glucose level", but instead I said to let me know if I could do anything to help. I know better...I've told others in the past how to lose weight--give up all sugars and grains, and they look at me as if I've suddenly grown a second head. The first thing that comes out of their mouth is, "I can't do THAT!!!" No, you don't WANT to do that.
Well, tomorrow is Thanksgiving, our national day of pigging out. People shovel food in as fast as they can, and then complain about how miserable they feel. It's crazy, and I am so glad to be off that train. I still have to cook all the standards for my family because that's what they want, and it's fine...I'm not tempted to sample and I don't have a problem cooking carby stuff. To make it easier on myself, I started cooking on Saturday, making the cornbread dressing. Then on Sunday I made the cranberry relish. Today the university will probably shut down early, so I'll have time to make the green bean casserole this afternoon before I have to head back into town to pick up The Granddaughter from school. Tomorrow then, all I'll need to make will be pies. The Mister will roast the turkey, and my daughter will make Mac + Cheese, and mashed potatoes and gravy (instant and store-bought). I'll chow down on roasted turkey, and will just need to heat up some frozen veggies for myself. Easy peasy...
The secretary in my office told me yesterday, after a doctor appointment, that her blood glucose level was very high and her doctor wants to see her back in 3 weeks for re-testing. She is fat, to put it bluntly, and eats a lot of carbohydrates. I wanted very badly to say, "I can help you lose weight which would probably regulate your glucose level", but instead I said to let me know if I could do anything to help. I know better...I've told others in the past how to lose weight--give up all sugars and grains, and they look at me as if I've suddenly grown a second head. The first thing that comes out of their mouth is, "I can't do THAT!!!" No, you don't WANT to do that.
Friday, November 11, 2016
165 today
One more positive side effect of this way of eating: no sinus infection!
Usually with the transition to spring, and again in the fall, I end up with either a sinus infection or a respiratory infection. I take over-the-counter meds daily (an antihistamine and a nasal spray) and yet I used to still end up sick when the seasons changed. --Not this year! Almost all of my co-workers are sneezing, coughing, and wheezing, but not this gal. Oh, I can feel a bit of increase in drainage, but my body is able to handle it. The only thing different in my life is the food I'm (not) eating. It's a huge deal; it's been at least a decade since I've not had to endure an infection. HUGE, I tell you!!
One more positive side effect of this way of eating: no sinus infection!
Usually with the transition to spring, and again in the fall, I end up with either a sinus infection or a respiratory infection. I take over-the-counter meds daily (an antihistamine and a nasal spray) and yet I used to still end up sick when the seasons changed. --Not this year! Almost all of my co-workers are sneezing, coughing, and wheezing, but not this gal. Oh, I can feel a bit of increase in drainage, but my body is able to handle it. The only thing different in my life is the food I'm (not) eating. It's a huge deal; it's been at least a decade since I've not had to endure an infection. HUGE, I tell you!!
Monday, November 7, 2016
165 today
I feel really good--physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Really good; centered and strong. Thanksgiving is happening in two and a half weeks, but it has no effect on me. I'm not concerned about it, I'm not afraid of it; I could care less. To me, it's just another day...likewise Christmas and New Year's. I'll cook whatever foods my family enjoys (doesn't bother me), but I'll be the one eating the truly good stuff (healthy baby, healthy). We place so much emphasis on and attachment to food that it's ridiculous...and dangerous to some people.
I feel really good--physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Really good; centered and strong. Thanksgiving is happening in two and a half weeks, but it has no effect on me. I'm not concerned about it, I'm not afraid of it; I could care less. To me, it's just another day...likewise Christmas and New Year's. I'll cook whatever foods my family enjoys (doesn't bother me), but I'll be the one eating the truly good stuff (healthy baby, healthy). We place so much emphasis on and attachment to food that it's ridiculous...and dangerous to some people.
Monday, October 31, 2016
Weight 166/166.5
I can't remember if I wrote about my dilemma with blue jeans in this journal (and I'm too lazy to search) but in a nutshell...I want jeans that are 100% cotton denim, no words and/or nothing sparkly on the back end, and that don't cost more than $20. A few years ago I found Dickies brand to be exactly what I wanted, but they have succumbed to the stretchy trend that has infested so much of women's clothing these days. I searched and searched, both online and in brick-and-mortar stores to no avail. Then last week I joined a simple living forum, where one of the topics was how to save money on clothing. One suggestion was for the women to buy men's items (not only clothing either) because they're usually cheaper than women's things. And I remembered that I had saved a few pair of my husband's jeans from the last time he lost weight. I dug them out, 34 inch waist--yep, yep, that should fit, and held my breath as I tried them on. PERFECT fit! They're just a skosh too short, as his inseam is shorter than mine but otherwise, they are exactly what I want: 100% cotton denim, no fancy decoration, $10 a pair. So I am now the proud owner of two pair of Faded Glory men's jeans, 32" inseam. Who cares if they're men's?! --I sure don't! I only wish I had thought of this alternative sooner.
I can't remember if I wrote about my dilemma with blue jeans in this journal (and I'm too lazy to search) but in a nutshell...I want jeans that are 100% cotton denim, no words and/or nothing sparkly on the back end, and that don't cost more than $20. A few years ago I found Dickies brand to be exactly what I wanted, but they have succumbed to the stretchy trend that has infested so much of women's clothing these days. I searched and searched, both online and in brick-and-mortar stores to no avail. Then last week I joined a simple living forum, where one of the topics was how to save money on clothing. One suggestion was for the women to buy men's items (not only clothing either) because they're usually cheaper than women's things. And I remembered that I had saved a few pair of my husband's jeans from the last time he lost weight. I dug them out, 34 inch waist--yep, yep, that should fit, and held my breath as I tried them on. PERFECT fit! They're just a skosh too short, as his inseam is shorter than mine but otherwise, they are exactly what I want: 100% cotton denim, no fancy decoration, $10 a pair. So I am now the proud owner of two pair of Faded Glory men's jeans, 32" inseam. Who cares if they're men's?! --I sure don't! I only wish I had thought of this alternative sooner.
Friday, October 28, 2016
Weighty Matters
166.5 today
Got results back from the wellness screening; everything is good. According to the height/weight/BMI schedule, I am still "overweight" but I expected that rating. The cholesterol numbers are what I wanted to see...I don't believe in the big bad wolf of cholesterol myth--that the total cholesterol number MUST hit below a certain number or watch out! --you're going to die of a heart attack in 2 seconds. Years ago, I found a golden ratio formula, where you divide your triglyceride number by your HDL-C number. Anything under 2 is where you want to be, and I am there. Now, along with the screening results, we arebombarded with given tips and hints to help us get healthy, such nuggets as "eat more whole grains and eat more fruit". Of course I ignore these messages; I know what works for my body, and grains/sugar ain't on the list.
We're still having some warm days here in Southeast Missouri. Usually we experience our first hard frost right around now, the last week to 10 days of October, but it hasn't hit yet. I have one stubborn tomato plant left that has 6 small fruit on it (everything else died and/or got taken over by weeds). I'm rooting for it, waiting to see if the tomatoes ripen before the first fall freeze happens. Then I've got to get the garden area put to sleep before winter hits. I've got to pick up all of that cheap, black mesh I laid down that I thought would control weeds (FAIL), mow the grass & weeds down as short as possible, then I'm going to cover the whole area in heavy duty (thicker) plastic. From what I read, this should kill everything, fingers crossed. I need to do more reading on the mulch method, which would start in early spring--there's a book I have my eye on.
Beyond garden things, the fall is always a time for winter stock-up. We lay in basic supplies, along with some non-perishable food items. For perishables, we're limited to what our chest freezer will hold, but it'll handle quite a lot. This weekend I plan on defrosting said freezer and doing a general purge. --More room for frozen veggies!! And we need to check our supply of firewood, see how much we have left after last winter. Need gasoline for the generator, too. Those are just a few of the to-do things running through my mind right now. Winter is coming and I don't want to get short-handed. It's this time of year when I really wish I didn't work a full-time job that pulled me away from the farm every day.
166.5 today
Got results back from the wellness screening; everything is good. According to the height/weight/BMI schedule, I am still "overweight" but I expected that rating. The cholesterol numbers are what I wanted to see...I don't believe in the big bad wolf of cholesterol myth--that the total cholesterol number MUST hit below a certain number or watch out! --you're going to die of a heart attack in 2 seconds. Years ago, I found a golden ratio formula, where you divide your triglyceride number by your HDL-C number. Anything under 2 is where you want to be, and I am there. Now, along with the screening results, we are
We're still having some warm days here in Southeast Missouri. Usually we experience our first hard frost right around now, the last week to 10 days of October, but it hasn't hit yet. I have one stubborn tomato plant left that has 6 small fruit on it (everything else died and/or got taken over by weeds). I'm rooting for it, waiting to see if the tomatoes ripen before the first fall freeze happens. Then I've got to get the garden area put to sleep before winter hits. I've got to pick up all of that cheap, black mesh I laid down that I thought would control weeds (FAIL), mow the grass & weeds down as short as possible, then I'm going to cover the whole area in heavy duty (thicker) plastic. From what I read, this should kill everything, fingers crossed. I need to do more reading on the mulch method, which would start in early spring--there's a book I have my eye on.
Beyond garden things, the fall is always a time for winter stock-up. We lay in basic supplies, along with some non-perishable food items. For perishables, we're limited to what our chest freezer will hold, but it'll handle quite a lot. This weekend I plan on defrosting said freezer and doing a general purge. --More room for frozen veggies!! And we need to check our supply of firewood, see how much we have left after last winter. Need gasoline for the generator, too. Those are just a few of the to-do things running through my mind right now. Winter is coming and I don't want to get short-handed. It's this time of year when I really wish I didn't work a full-time job that pulled me away from the farm every day.
Monday, October 24, 2016
Weighty Matters
168 this morning
I've been Leading With the Diet for 6 months now, having lost 31 pounds. I totted up the amount of pounds lost per each month. Aside from the first couple of months, I seem to average a loss of 3 pounds monthly--and that's fine by me. I believe slow weight loss is better, healthier in the long run. I feel good; I feel skinny. My daughter said to me the other day, "I think you've lost enough weight now", to which I replied simply, "Nope." I didn't tell her my goal is somewhere in the 140s. (Actually, between you and me, I have a secret goal of 136; that's how much I weighed when The Mister and I married.)
I don't know what it is about Fall weather that makes me want to wear lipstick and paint my nails. Autumn is my favorite season, and the cooler temperatures seem to breathe life back into my parched soul. Otherwise, I could care less about paint and polish. Last week the urge for lipstick was so strong that I actually left work to buy some! Ironically, by the end of that day I had a headache--something that rarely happens. It could have been the weather front that moved through; I don't know. And I haven't varnished my nails since before my granddaughter was born (and she's 4 now). But again, the urge to slap paint on my nails was so strong that I gave in and bought some this weekend. My nails are now Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear Black with a clear top coat and, boy howdy, they shine like diamonds. My granddaughter wanted her nails to look like mine, so we are both rocking the black. Here's the thing... I'd forgotten what a pain in the arse it is to care for painted nails. LoL You gotta be careful not to scuff 'em, not to chip 'em, not to blah, blah, blah. I'm actually looking forward to seeing that first chip on my nail job so I can remove this polish, cut my nails shorter, and return to being the earth (grand)mother I am. It's fine to play dress-up once in a while, but give me natural and bare anytime!
Gardening must have taken root in my soul (HA!) because I'm already planning next year's plot. What to plant, weed control, what to do differently...I really can't wait. Also, the hummingbirds have all gone now, so I took down the last 2 feeders yesterday. They'll be washed and ready to go for next April. Safe journey, hummingbirds!!
168 this morning
I've been Leading With the Diet for 6 months now, having lost 31 pounds. I totted up the amount of pounds lost per each month. Aside from the first couple of months, I seem to average a loss of 3 pounds monthly--and that's fine by me. I believe slow weight loss is better, healthier in the long run. I feel good; I feel skinny. My daughter said to me the other day, "I think you've lost enough weight now", to which I replied simply, "Nope." I didn't tell her my goal is somewhere in the 140s. (Actually, between you and me, I have a secret goal of 136; that's how much I weighed when The Mister and I married.)
I don't know what it is about Fall weather that makes me want to wear lipstick and paint my nails. Autumn is my favorite season, and the cooler temperatures seem to breathe life back into my parched soul. Otherwise, I could care less about paint and polish. Last week the urge for lipstick was so strong that I actually left work to buy some! Ironically, by the end of that day I had a headache--something that rarely happens. It could have been the weather front that moved through; I don't know. And I haven't varnished my nails since before my granddaughter was born (and she's 4 now). But again, the urge to slap paint on my nails was so strong that I gave in and bought some this weekend. My nails are now Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear Black with a clear top coat and, boy howdy, they shine like diamonds. My granddaughter wanted her nails to look like mine, so we are both rocking the black. Here's the thing... I'd forgotten what a pain in the arse it is to care for painted nails. LoL You gotta be careful not to scuff 'em, not to chip 'em, not to blah, blah, blah. I'm actually looking forward to seeing that first chip on my nail job so I can remove this polish, cut my nails shorter, and return to being the earth (grand)mother I am. It's fine to play dress-up once in a while, but give me natural and bare anytime!
Gardening must have taken root in my soul (HA!) because I'm already planning next year's plot. What to plant, weed control, what to do differently...I really can't wait. Also, the hummingbirds have all gone now, so I took down the last 2 feeders yesterday. They'll be washed and ready to go for next April. Safe journey, hummingbirds!!
Friday, October 14, 2016
I feel as if this blog will be going in a different direction soon. Initially I began writing here to talk about hair stuff--growing it long and strong. But long hair is no longer a viable option for me (long hair that looks good, that is). Therefore the name "Hair and Nonsense" simply doesn't seem to suit. I want to focus and talk more about my weight loss journey, and of course life in general. So I'll probably just change the name of this blog. I really don't want to create a new blog, not after copying and pasting all those entries from the Lead With the Diet site!! Although...I do have those entries labeled. I guess I could create a new blog and place a link there back to this blog here. Argh, decisions, decisions...
Thursday, October 13, 2016
It's been a week since the cut and I still love my shorter hair. Honestly, I am a bit surprised; it is usually around this point after getting a cut that I decide to restart the growing-out process. It sort of feels as if a switch has been flipped off...that I finally realize how much easier thin hair is to disguise with a shorter mane. I'm still using Pantene shampoo for body, but I've added some lightweight mousse and hairspray to the routine. (Still washing every other day.) I'm also trying an apple cider vinegar rinse in place of conditioner; we'll see how well that works. I've even started using a blow dryer again! So the lineup goes like this: wash, vinegar rinse, water rinse; towel dry, apply mousse, blow dry to just damp; comb into place & let air dry. An hour or so later, after I'm dressed for work, I brush out my hair where I want it & then I use a little hairspray to keep everybody in their place. I'm not worried anymore about my thin spots showing; this hair style is a winner.
Weighty Matters
Current weight 167 1/2, and I'm on the 6th notch of the belt. Yesterday was the wellness screening. My weight registered at 169 1/2, fully clothed, shoes and all. I was so tickled! I don't think I've ever weighed that little at a wellness screening. I'm very happy with my progress. And yet...as I explained to my friend/mentor Adele, I'm having a weird reaction to being in the 160s. It's almost as if there's a part of that thinks I don't deserve to weigh this much. --And if I'm having trouble dealing with the 160s, what's going to happen when I reach the 150s? --the 140s?? I'm not going to stop, that's for sure. So that scared little girl inside me will simply have to learn to deal.
It's been a week since the cut and I still love my shorter hair. Honestly, I am a bit surprised; it is usually around this point after getting a cut that I decide to restart the growing-out process. It sort of feels as if a switch has been flipped off...that I finally realize how much easier thin hair is to disguise with a shorter mane. I'm still using Pantene shampoo for body, but I've added some lightweight mousse and hairspray to the routine. (Still washing every other day.) I'm also trying an apple cider vinegar rinse in place of conditioner; we'll see how well that works. I've even started using a blow dryer again! So the lineup goes like this: wash, vinegar rinse, water rinse; towel dry, apply mousse, blow dry to just damp; comb into place & let air dry. An hour or so later, after I'm dressed for work, I brush out my hair where I want it & then I use a little hairspray to keep everybody in their place. I'm not worried anymore about my thin spots showing; this hair style is a winner.
Weighty Matters
Current weight 167 1/2, and I'm on the 6th notch of the belt. Yesterday was the wellness screening. My weight registered at 169 1/2, fully clothed, shoes and all. I was so tickled! I don't think I've ever weighed that little at a wellness screening. I'm very happy with my progress. And yet...as I explained to my friend/mentor Adele, I'm having a weird reaction to being in the 160s. It's almost as if there's a part of that thinks I don't deserve to weigh this much. --And if I'm having trouble dealing with the 160s, what's going to happen when I reach the 150s? --the 140s?? I'm not going to stop, that's for sure. So that scared little girl inside me will simply have to learn to deal.
Friday, October 7, 2016
A friend named Bob
Recently I had been stressing over my thinning hair. Even though hair weighs virtually nothing, the thinness seems to worsen when my length hits a certain measurement. Around shoulder length is apparently as long as I should go now. *sigh* I had so wanted to grow out my hair to terminal length just once, but the reality is that is not going to happen. So yesterday afternoon I got a cut (with my usual scissors lady, Cheryl--she's a gem), a collar length bob...and my hair feels and looks amazing. I love the way it moves! I truly am at a point in my life where I need to keep my hair shorter. Of course, I will continue to take good care of the hair I have, and I will probably always have a fascination with hair products. I just need to change my mindset with regards to thinning hair and ego. I do not require long hair (or any hair, really) to be me.
My "muchness" comes from within. :-)
Weighty Matters
168 today. I'm down to the 5th notch on my belt.
Recently I had been stressing over my thinning hair. Even though hair weighs virtually nothing, the thinness seems to worsen when my length hits a certain measurement. Around shoulder length is apparently as long as I should go now. *sigh* I had so wanted to grow out my hair to terminal length just once, but the reality is that is not going to happen. So yesterday afternoon I got a cut (with my usual scissors lady, Cheryl--she's a gem), a collar length bob...and my hair feels and looks amazing. I love the way it moves! I truly am at a point in my life where I need to keep my hair shorter. Of course, I will continue to take good care of the hair I have, and I will probably always have a fascination with hair products. I just need to change my mindset with regards to thinning hair and ego. I do not require long hair (or any hair, really) to be me.
My "muchness" comes from within. :-)
Weighty Matters
168 today. I'm down to the 5th notch on my belt.
Monday, October 3, 2016
Those of you who have read this (or the previous) blog know that my hair is thinning on top. Most of the time I pretend it's okay...that I'm okay with it. I am not. I try to pretend that the thin spots are covered if I comb my hair a certain way, or if I use thickening shampoo it helps. It does not. Just in the past couple of weeks I've noticed my hair, well, the hair on top of my head, looking thinner, and I'm wondering if its because of length. Most hair weighs very little, yet when one is dealing with thinness/baldness issues then I guess even an extra ounce has enough pull to cause problems. My hair is now bra strap length and I'm considering cutting it back to shoulder length or even shorter. I mean, my hair looks okay (sort of) when I pull it up into a clip. But I have the feeling I'm doing harm to it by wearing it that way almost every day. So I'm dealing...well, TRYING to deal with the harsh reality that I may never be able to have long hair again. I'm very sad about it. I'm trying NOT to be sad, yet I am. I think I should make an appointment with my stylist and get her opinion. *sigh*
Weighty Matters
I've been "Leading With the Diet" for 5 months now. This way of eating gives me the clarity I need to get through situations like what I described above. Next week The Mister and I are participating in a wellness screening sponsored by the university where I work (free through my insurance) and for the first time in a long time, I am actually looking forward to getting the results. I'm especially eager to compare this year's results (such as weight) with those of my last screening, which happened so long ago that I can't even remember the year. I'll share those numbers here when I get them.
Those of you who have read this (or the previous) blog know that my hair is thinning on top. Most of the time I pretend it's okay...that I'm okay with it. I am not. I try to pretend that the thin spots are covered if I comb my hair a certain way, or if I use thickening shampoo it helps. It does not. Just in the past couple of weeks I've noticed my hair, well, the hair on top of my head, looking thinner, and I'm wondering if its because of length. Most hair weighs very little, yet when one is dealing with thinness/baldness issues then I guess even an extra ounce has enough pull to cause problems. My hair is now bra strap length and I'm considering cutting it back to shoulder length or even shorter. I mean, my hair looks okay (sort of) when I pull it up into a clip. But I have the feeling I'm doing harm to it by wearing it that way almost every day. So I'm dealing...well, TRYING to deal with the harsh reality that I may never be able to have long hair again. I'm very sad about it. I'm trying NOT to be sad, yet I am. I think I should make an appointment with my stylist and get her opinion. *sigh*
Weighty Matters
I've been "Leading With the Diet" for 5 months now. This way of eating gives me the clarity I need to get through situations like what I described above. Next week The Mister and I are participating in a wellness screening sponsored by the university where I work (free through my insurance) and for the first time in a long time, I am actually looking forward to getting the results. I'm especially eager to compare this year's results (such as weight) with those of my last screening, which happened so long ago that I can't even remember the year. I'll share those numbers here when I get them.
Monday, September 19, 2016
Weighty Matters
171 this morning
I learned a couple of things this weekend. One is I cannot/should not eat bratwurst. I thought my body could handle them, but nope. That's fine; they really don't do anything for me. So out they go.
The second thing concerns coffee. Now, I'm not a huge coffee drinker. I want it maybe twice a year, usually when the weather turns colder. But for some reason I was craving coffee last week. The sticking point is that I could never drink it black--I always had to use some kind of sweetness. Well, this time I tried the coffee with only heavy cream, and to my surprise it was good. I didn't need any kind of sweetness at all. Although the problem that I've noticed is that I'm not as hungry for food when I drink coffee. The coffee and the cream fill me up to the point where I seem to want only about half as much food...and that's not good. To me, that's a false sense of satiety. I don't want that; I want to feel full by eating healthy food. So out goes the coffee, too. I'll stick with my tea, thank you (that I love to drink black).
171 this morning
I learned a couple of things this weekend. One is I cannot/should not eat bratwurst. I thought my body could handle them, but nope. That's fine; they really don't do anything for me. So out they go.
The second thing concerns coffee. Now, I'm not a huge coffee drinker. I want it maybe twice a year, usually when the weather turns colder. But for some reason I was craving coffee last week. The sticking point is that I could never drink it black--I always had to use some kind of sweetness. Well, this time I tried the coffee with only heavy cream, and to my surprise it was good. I didn't need any kind of sweetness at all. Although the problem that I've noticed is that I'm not as hungry for food when I drink coffee. The coffee and the cream fill me up to the point where I seem to want only about half as much food...and that's not good. To me, that's a false sense of satiety. I don't want that; I want to feel full by eating healthy food. So out goes the coffee, too. I'll stick with my tea, thank you (that I love to drink black).
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Weighty Matters
169.5 today
My weight hit the one-sixties this morning...when the scale finally settled and I saw the number, my first thought was, "I'm not ready for that." What? What the *bleep* does that mean, and why would I not be ready for the one-sixties?? I don't know. But my reaction was immediate and strong; I recovered quickly, but still. I think this is an instance where I need to simply feel the feeling, yet not dwell on it--not spend too much time in my head.
169.5 today
My weight hit the one-sixties this morning...when the scale finally settled and I saw the number, my first thought was, "I'm not ready for that." What? What the *bleep* does that mean, and why would I not be ready for the one-sixties?? I don't know. But my reaction was immediate and strong; I recovered quickly, but still. I think this is an instance where I need to simply feel the feeling, yet not dwell on it--not spend too much time in my head.
Thursday, September 8, 2016
Weighty Matters
170.5 today
I finally gave in and bought some new blue jeans this past weekend. (Which was an odyssey in and of itself; do you know how difficult it is to find 100% cotton denim boot cut jeans that do not cost a fortune? Don't ask...I'm still looking.) I settled on some cotton/poly blend jeans (not happy) because at this point I simply need something to tide me over while still losing weight. I had to try on the jeans in-store, which I hate doing, because I had no idea what size I would wear. To date, I've lost 27 1/2 pounds. My old jeans were a size 16 "relaxed" which means they were honestly a size 17/18. There's that vanity sizing thing, sheesh. I ended up fitting a size 16 regular (no relaxed nothing, no fudging), at least in the jeans I bought. It's important to remember that there is little to no sizing standards between companies, or even within companies for that matter. You could try on four different pairs of pants, all the same size, made by the same manufacturer and have all of them fit differently. That's why you have to try these things on in-store, no matter how much you hate doing it. And you have to ignore the number on those little tags; you know, the "size" number. I've lost enough weight now and am feeling so much skinnier that I would have bet good money I was a size 14. Nope! But again, that's why it's crucial to disengage our feelings from this whole process. (Seriously, just buy what fits you and forget about that stupid (size) number.)
I gave up the carrots and really don't miss them. Also, I've upped my veggie intake. I've been eating three different vegetables at lunchtime along with some protein, usually broccoli and cauliflower and green beans. Sometimes for supper, if I'm not super hungry, I'll just have more vegetables. I can hardly wait for cooler temperatures to arrive so I can resume my daily walks.
170.5 today
I finally gave in and bought some new blue jeans this past weekend. (Which was an odyssey in and of itself; do you know how difficult it is to find 100% cotton denim boot cut jeans that do not cost a fortune? Don't ask...I'm still looking.) I settled on some cotton/poly blend jeans (not happy) because at this point I simply need something to tide me over while still losing weight. I had to try on the jeans in-store, which I hate doing, because I had no idea what size I would wear. To date, I've lost 27 1/2 pounds. My old jeans were a size 16 "relaxed" which means they were honestly a size 17/18. There's that vanity sizing thing, sheesh. I ended up fitting a size 16 regular (no relaxed nothing, no fudging), at least in the jeans I bought. It's important to remember that there is little to no sizing standards between companies, or even within companies for that matter. You could try on four different pairs of pants, all the same size, made by the same manufacturer and have all of them fit differently. That's why you have to try these things on in-store, no matter how much you hate doing it. And you have to ignore the number on those little tags; you know, the "size" number. I've lost enough weight now and am feeling so much skinnier that I would have bet good money I was a size 14. Nope! But again, that's why it's crucial to disengage our feelings from this whole process. (Seriously, just buy what fits you and forget about that stupid (size) number.)
I gave up the carrots and really don't miss them. Also, I've upped my veggie intake. I've been eating three different vegetables at lunchtime along with some protein, usually broccoli and cauliflower and green beans. Sometimes for supper, if I'm not super hungry, I'll just have more vegetables. I can hardly wait for cooler temperatures to arrive so I can resume my daily walks.
Friday, September 2, 2016
New month, new photo.
No change in products or anything; still using Pantene as the primaries. Probably need to do a vinegar rinse soon.
Weighty Matters
171 today. Adele pointed out (reminded me) that carrots have a high glycemic index, so I've banished them from my WOE (Way Of Eating). Doing well in general. Every time I catch myself wishing the weight would drop faster I remind myself that it took years to gain these pounds, and it could take years to lose them--and to just be patient. My ever-loosening clothes and the number on the scale reassure me that this plan DOES work. (Just look at the saggy butt in those pants in the picture above!!) Yes, it's simply a matter of sticking with Adele's 4 Ps of the Journey.
New month, new photo.
No change in products or anything; still using Pantene as the primaries. Probably need to do a vinegar rinse soon.
Weighty Matters
171 today. Adele pointed out (reminded me) that carrots have a high glycemic index, so I've banished them from my WOE (Way Of Eating). Doing well in general. Every time I catch myself wishing the weight would drop faster I remind myself that it took years to gain these pounds, and it could take years to lose them--and to just be patient. My ever-loosening clothes and the number on the scale reassure me that this plan DOES work. (Just look at the saggy butt in those pants in the picture above!!) Yes, it's simply a matter of sticking with Adele's 4 Ps of the Journey.
Friday, August 26, 2016
Weighty Matters
171.5 this morning
I have all of my entries from the message board (Lead With the Diet) moved here to my blog.
I think Adele is entertaining the idea of creating a group on Facebook for LWTD, where she could reach and help a lot more people. I hope she does.
So yeah, 171.5 this morning...I'm pretty sure I haven't been eating enough vegetables lately, so need to step up my efforts. Also during the past couple of weeks I've eaten cheese a few times, and I'm pretty sure it stalled my weight loss. So no more cheese for me. I think I keep trying to add cheese back into my life because it's an "easy" food; easy to add, easy to grab, etc. But "easy" doesn't equal good for my body. Another thing, I seem to experience a waning amount of energy around 4:00 along with feeling a little peckish, so I'm going to add an afternoon snack to my routine (probably more carrots), in the form of vegetables.
171.5 this morning
I have all of my entries from the message board (Lead With the Diet) moved here to my blog.
I think Adele is entertaining the idea of creating a group on Facebook for LWTD, where she could reach and help a lot more people. I hope she does.
So yeah, 171.5 this morning...I'm pretty sure I haven't been eating enough vegetables lately, so need to step up my efforts. Also during the past couple of weeks I've eaten cheese a few times, and I'm pretty sure it stalled my weight loss. So no more cheese for me. I think I keep trying to add cheese back into my life because it's an "easy" food; easy to add, easy to grab, etc. But "easy" doesn't equal good for my body. Another thing, I seem to experience a waning amount of energy around 4:00 along with feeling a little peckish, so I'm going to add an afternoon snack to my routine (probably more carrots), in the form of vegetables.
Weighty Matters 07/20-08/02/2016
Adele, I've been meaning to ask you a question for some time now, but kept forgetting.
Do you eat at set times (breakfast, lunch, & supper) regardless of hunger, or do you ONLY eat if you're hungry?
Adele's Response:
Well... I don’t really eat at SET times (i.e. especially now that we’re both retired we might get up at 7 and not eat breakfast until 9), but I almost always eat three meals plus one snack every day. I have always had a pretty big appetite so it’s pretty rare that I’m not hungry. But if I’m not hungry at snack time, I’ll skip that. I probably skip my snack once a week, no more than twice, usually when I’ve had a big—or late—lunch. But I never skip lunch or dinner, and I almost never skip breakfast. I almost always eat the same thing for breakfast (3 eggs, cooked in oil), which leaves only 14 meals/week to think about.
While I won’t say I *never eat after dinner, I try not to and rarely do. But if we had a smaller, lower-fat dinner, I’m sometimes hungry before bed and will eat an egg or two before bed if that’s the case. Turkey breast as the protein choice for dinner is usually what has me hungry before bed, lol. The same thing would probably happen with fish but because DH hates fish, we never have it for dinner. I sometimes make fish for my lunch.
Just because I was curious, I dabbled a few times with intermittent fasting within the last year—that’s supposed to be the latest and the greatest for health/weight loss. But it turned out that for me, adding clock-watching to my fairly rigid, paleo-style diet ended up causing me obsess to and worry about food much like I used to, which I really don’t want back in my life. I came to the conclusion that I was trying to fix something that ain’t broken, as the saying goes, so I’m back to doing what I found works so well for me: Three filling meals, boring foods to most people, but peaceful ones to me.
(This is not to say that YOU shouldn’t try intermittent fasting if you read up on it and decide it might be for you. I really get that we’re all individual and have to find—within certain parameters of course—what works best for ourselves.)
Does that answer your question? Hope so!
132 this morning
It does answer my question, yes. There are nights when I'm not terribly hungry at suppertime, and I find myself wondering if I should simply skip eating. I used to do that on zero carb (meat only); eating ONLY when one is truly hungry is emphasized strongly. (But then, one must also learn what is "true hunger"--often difficult for people with eating disorders.) Thanks Adele!
174.5 this morning
Some days I wonder how long can I sustain this way of life* (eating). As if some external force is in charge of my eating habits, or there's a genie somewhere who has granted me a wish of clean eating-weight loss, but only for a limited time, and that time will run out any day now. And then I have to remind myself that it's me...that I am in charge of this thing, this wonderful "thing" of clean eating that is enabling me to get healthy AND lose weight (at the same time!). That if I fail it is on me, because the tools I have now (from Leading With the Diet) are more than enough for me to succeed. I simply have to be strong enough to admit the reality of how really weak I am, and face the knowledge that I will end up back in carbohydrate hell if I go down that road again. It's a dark, scary road with potholes big enough to swallow the whole universe and there's no one around with a winch to pull my arse out. There is a certain amount of strength in weakness.
*My pattern seems to be around 3 months of dieting before crashing.
Adele's Response:
Some ramblings from me:
I think it's really good--maybe even critical--that you recognize your pattern. That's a big step to changing it! Just keep telling yourself no, we're not doing that this time. We're doing something different. That didn't work.
BTW, I still think about, and relate to in many ways, your post where you talked about being alone with a candy dish at your husband's office. What pleasure would you truly have derived from eating that candy? Nobody around, nothing to celebrate, just a little party in your mouth that you used to be able to do. Would that really have been any kind of wonderful? Isn't it interesting and telling that we want and have to resist such meager "pleasure"?
I just stumbled onto this guy, Butter Bob, who I think I love. He's a big proponent of intermittent fasting, I mentioned that in my last post and that it doesn't work for me, at least not right now. I'll never say never though, lol. Anyway, this video in particular really resonated with me about simplicity. Mingled, in his case with the intermittent fasting, but I still loved and really related to what he says about simplicity and how it changed him. Leading with a simple diet WILL change you and I'm not just talking about your weight. Living with the changes over time is what does that. If you can't/won't live with the changes, then you haven't changed. See?
Keep going and keep posting, Trisha.
133 this morning
(Adele included a link to a Butter Bob video)
173 this morning
...and the pounds continue to drop, slowly but surely. No calorie counting, no exercise, just healthy high fat/low carb foods.
On Sunday I cooked fried chicken (drumsticks) using Ol' Butter Bob's method with lard. Lard is wonderful stuff.
I've gone back to scrambling my daily eggs in butter, although I'm still using the olive oil for my salads.
Now, my husband has finally admitted he needs to lose weight. I don't know if my weight loss has had an effect on him
or not; I never nag or cajole. I figure an adult person needs to be responsible for their own health and well-being. If you're
going to change a bad habit, such as smoking or weight loss, then you MUST do it for yourself and not for the sake of anyone
else; otherwise the change won't "stick". (Just my opinion, your mileage may vary.) But anyway...he made the decision to
return to a low carbohydrate eating plan, starting yesterday. I...how do I say this? --I will help him, but I cannot/WILL NOT
be his conscience. For instance, this morning I packed a lunch for him (3 of the chicken drumsticks and a salad). Whether
he sticks to the eating plan, though, is entirely up to him. As I said, I do not nag; you're an adult--do the right thing. To me
it's that simple. Assuming he's truly committed to losing weight, I figure I'll help him get his food choices under control first,
and then we can tackle his soda addiction. That's going to be a toughie.
Adele, I've been meaning to ask you a question for some time now, but kept forgetting.
Do you eat at set times (breakfast, lunch, & supper) regardless of hunger, or do you ONLY eat if you're hungry?
Adele's Response:
Well... I don’t really eat at SET times (i.e. especially now that we’re both retired we might get up at 7 and not eat breakfast until 9), but I almost always eat three meals plus one snack every day. I have always had a pretty big appetite so it’s pretty rare that I’m not hungry. But if I’m not hungry at snack time, I’ll skip that. I probably skip my snack once a week, no more than twice, usually when I’ve had a big—or late—lunch. But I never skip lunch or dinner, and I almost never skip breakfast. I almost always eat the same thing for breakfast (3 eggs, cooked in oil), which leaves only 14 meals/week to think about.
While I won’t say I *never eat after dinner, I try not to and rarely do. But if we had a smaller, lower-fat dinner, I’m sometimes hungry before bed and will eat an egg or two before bed if that’s the case. Turkey breast as the protein choice for dinner is usually what has me hungry before bed, lol. The same thing would probably happen with fish but because DH hates fish, we never have it for dinner. I sometimes make fish for my lunch.
Just because I was curious, I dabbled a few times with intermittent fasting within the last year—that’s supposed to be the latest and the greatest for health/weight loss. But it turned out that for me, adding clock-watching to my fairly rigid, paleo-style diet ended up causing me obsess to and worry about food much like I used to, which I really don’t want back in my life. I came to the conclusion that I was trying to fix something that ain’t broken, as the saying goes, so I’m back to doing what I found works so well for me: Three filling meals, boring foods to most people, but peaceful ones to me.
(This is not to say that YOU shouldn’t try intermittent fasting if you read up on it and decide it might be for you. I really get that we’re all individual and have to find—within certain parameters of course—what works best for ourselves.)
Does that answer your question? Hope so!
132 this morning
It does answer my question, yes. There are nights when I'm not terribly hungry at suppertime, and I find myself wondering if I should simply skip eating. I used to do that on zero carb (meat only); eating ONLY when one is truly hungry is emphasized strongly. (But then, one must also learn what is "true hunger"--often difficult for people with eating disorders.) Thanks Adele!
174.5 this morning
Some days I wonder how long can I sustain this way of life* (eating). As if some external force is in charge of my eating habits, or there's a genie somewhere who has granted me a wish of clean eating-weight loss, but only for a limited time, and that time will run out any day now. And then I have to remind myself that it's me...that I am in charge of this thing, this wonderful "thing" of clean eating that is enabling me to get healthy AND lose weight (at the same time!). That if I fail it is on me, because the tools I have now (from Leading With the Diet) are more than enough for me to succeed. I simply have to be strong enough to admit the reality of how really weak I am, and face the knowledge that I will end up back in carbohydrate hell if I go down that road again. It's a dark, scary road with potholes big enough to swallow the whole universe and there's no one around with a winch to pull my arse out. There is a certain amount of strength in weakness.
*My pattern seems to be around 3 months of dieting before crashing.
Adele's Response:
Some ramblings from me:
I think it's really good--maybe even critical--that you recognize your pattern. That's a big step to changing it! Just keep telling yourself no, we're not doing that this time. We're doing something different. That didn't work.
BTW, I still think about, and relate to in many ways, your post where you talked about being alone with a candy dish at your husband's office. What pleasure would you truly have derived from eating that candy? Nobody around, nothing to celebrate, just a little party in your mouth that you used to be able to do. Would that really have been any kind of wonderful? Isn't it interesting and telling that we want and have to resist such meager "pleasure"?
I just stumbled onto this guy, Butter Bob, who I think I love. He's a big proponent of intermittent fasting, I mentioned that in my last post and that it doesn't work for me, at least not right now. I'll never say never though, lol. Anyway, this video in particular really resonated with me about simplicity. Mingled, in his case with the intermittent fasting, but I still loved and really related to what he says about simplicity and how it changed him. Leading with a simple diet WILL change you and I'm not just talking about your weight. Living with the changes over time is what does that. If you can't/won't live with the changes, then you haven't changed. See?
Keep going and keep posting, Trisha.
133 this morning
(Adele included a link to a Butter Bob video)
173 this morning
...and the pounds continue to drop, slowly but surely. No calorie counting, no exercise, just healthy high fat/low carb foods.
On Sunday I cooked fried chicken (drumsticks) using Ol' Butter Bob's method with lard. Lard is wonderful stuff.
I've gone back to scrambling my daily eggs in butter, although I'm still using the olive oil for my salads.
Now, my husband has finally admitted he needs to lose weight. I don't know if my weight loss has had an effect on him
or not; I never nag or cajole. I figure an adult person needs to be responsible for their own health and well-being. If you're
going to change a bad habit, such as smoking or weight loss, then you MUST do it for yourself and not for the sake of anyone
else; otherwise the change won't "stick". (Just my opinion, your mileage may vary.) But anyway...he made the decision to
return to a low carbohydrate eating plan, starting yesterday. I...how do I say this? --I will help him, but I cannot/WILL NOT
be his conscience. For instance, this morning I packed a lunch for him (3 of the chicken drumsticks and a salad). Whether
he sticks to the eating plan, though, is entirely up to him. As I said, I do not nag; you're an adult--do the right thing. To me
it's that simple. Assuming he's truly committed to losing weight, I figure I'll help him get his food choices under control first,
and then we can tackle his soda addiction. That's going to be a toughie.
176.5 this morning
Just a note on why it is important to weigh every morning. Yesterday I was at 177. This morning I would have bet any takers that I had gained because I felt as if I had, but no; down half a pound. That's reality versus emotion/feelings/mind games we play with ourselves. That's why it's important to stay out of our head and just do the work.
Adele's Response:
Yes yes yes yes YES!
You (we) have to act, not think. Lead with the facts.
133 this morning
176.5 this morning
I was able to take a walk this morning. Very low humidity coupled with a light breeze made for a tremendously satisfying foray back into the world of walking. Yay! Absolutely no pain or tenderness from the once-broken pinky toe, yet I will continue to be watchful of it. I'm taking a vacation day tomorrow to clean my house (since I cannot seem to get it done during my weekends), and I have Monday off for the 4th of July holiday. Yay-rah for 4 day weekends! I think I'll see if The Mister will grill up a bunch of (naked) pork steaks and whatnot. Y'all have a fun and safe weekend!
176 this morning
(177 yesterday)
Found a Normandy blend of vegetables (frozen) so I've been eating that--cauliflower, broccoli, yellow squash, carrots, zucchini.
Grilled up a bunch of stuff on the 4th and that'll last us a long time (Hebrew Nation all-beef hot dogs, pork steaks, hamburgers, and some sort of cheddar-brat patties (not for me, thanks.)) In addition to all those things, I also cooked up a flat of chicken thighs on Saturday; still loving those for my lunches.
The change in my mind set these days is quite interesting. We talk about the temptation to cheat in terms of the sleeping dragon, or the emotion-laden teenage girl who kicks and screams to get her way. Most of the time my dragon is very much asleep; in fact, I tend to forget about it. But once in a while it does rear its head, testing me, and Sunday was such a day. I had gone with The Mister to his locksmith shop and, long story short, I was left alone in the shop for at least an hour. Now, The Mister keeps candy at his shop for customers and employees; it is there, free for the taking. I was reading, keeping myself occupied whilst waiting for The Mister to return, when from out of nowhere an inner thought suggested that I could eat some of that candy...as much as I wanted...and no one would know. Six months ago I would have probably done it...but instead I thought of how quickly one small misstep would land me at the bottom of a canyon, so to speak. It was like a short internal conversation, sort of like, "Yeah, nobody would know...except me, and I'm the one who matters. Ain't gonna happen, buddy." And do you know that dragon went right on back to sleep?
175 this morning
Still doing fine; it's comforting having a food routine. Will be going out for lunch today with a young friend. Now, this friend and I
do not get to meet up very often, but when we do I let her choose the place and she usually chooses Culver's. I am taking along my
own food: baked chicken, salad, and raw carrots. (I also brought frozen vegetables that I can eat later if I get hungry.) It's just so
easy to bring one's own food; no need to be embarrassed or anything. What would we do if we had food allergies? --Take our own food,
right? Well, I consider this way of eating to be in that same category--no biggie, it's just the way things are.
176.5 this morning
Just a note on why it is important to weigh every morning. Yesterday I was at 177. This morning I would have bet any takers that I had gained because I felt as if I had, but no; down half a pound. That's reality versus emotion/feelings/mind games we play with ourselves. That's why it's important to stay out of our head and just do the work.
Adele's Response:
Yes yes yes yes YES!
You (we) have to act, not think. Lead with the facts.
133 this morning
176.5 this morning
I was able to take a walk this morning. Very low humidity coupled with a light breeze made for a tremendously satisfying foray back into the world of walking. Yay! Absolutely no pain or tenderness from the once-broken pinky toe, yet I will continue to be watchful of it. I'm taking a vacation day tomorrow to clean my house (since I cannot seem to get it done during my weekends), and I have Monday off for the 4th of July holiday. Yay-rah for 4 day weekends! I think I'll see if The Mister will grill up a bunch of (naked) pork steaks and whatnot. Y'all have a fun and safe weekend!
176 this morning
(177 yesterday)
Found a Normandy blend of vegetables (frozen) so I've been eating that--cauliflower, broccoli, yellow squash, carrots, zucchini.
Grilled up a bunch of stuff on the 4th and that'll last us a long time (Hebrew Nation all-beef hot dogs, pork steaks, hamburgers, and some sort of cheddar-brat patties (not for me, thanks.)) In addition to all those things, I also cooked up a flat of chicken thighs on Saturday; still loving those for my lunches.
The change in my mind set these days is quite interesting. We talk about the temptation to cheat in terms of the sleeping dragon, or the emotion-laden teenage girl who kicks and screams to get her way. Most of the time my dragon is very much asleep; in fact, I tend to forget about it. But once in a while it does rear its head, testing me, and Sunday was such a day. I had gone with The Mister to his locksmith shop and, long story short, I was left alone in the shop for at least an hour. Now, The Mister keeps candy at his shop for customers and employees; it is there, free for the taking. I was reading, keeping myself occupied whilst waiting for The Mister to return, when from out of nowhere an inner thought suggested that I could eat some of that candy...as much as I wanted...and no one would know. Six months ago I would have probably done it...but instead I thought of how quickly one small misstep would land me at the bottom of a canyon, so to speak. It was like a short internal conversation, sort of like, "Yeah, nobody would know...except me, and I'm the one who matters. Ain't gonna happen, buddy." And do you know that dragon went right on back to sleep?
175 this morning
Still doing fine; it's comforting having a food routine. Will be going out for lunch today with a young friend. Now, this friend and I
do not get to meet up very often, but when we do I let her choose the place and she usually chooses Culver's. I am taking along my
own food: baked chicken, salad, and raw carrots. (I also brought frozen vegetables that I can eat later if I get hungry.) It's just so
easy to bring one's own food; no need to be embarrassed or anything. What would we do if we had food allergies? --Take our own food,
right? Well, I consider this way of eating to be in that same category--no biggie, it's just the way things are.
Weighty Matters 06/21-28/2016
Adele's Response: Glad you checked in, Trisha. Plugging along is a beautiful thing, no? (As opposed to fighting and being miserable about how unfair this all is, right?)
I love eggs too, I don't think I have ever tired of them. They are quick, inexpensive and easy. They are also the first protein food I eat whenever I've been sick, or have dental work, etc. For me a plate of scrambled eggs is calming, tethering, a kind of simple food-emotional home-base maybe? Does that make sense to you?
I think a big part of my slow turnaround was separating myself from the common cultural belief that I needed--that everybody needs--exciting food. Once you're away from it long enough, you begin to see how complicated it can get and how it's not necessary at all.
133 this morning
Me: Oh plodding along is a great place to be, trust me. And actually, I don't have a feeling of this lifestyle (of eating) being unfair, at least not this time--I have felt that way before, with other plans, usually right before a "fall" (a tumble back into the dark side of carbs). But this time...it's almost as if I have finally resigned myself to the reality that there are certain foods that my body simply will not, cannot tolerate. And I'm okay with that--that's the big thing. I'm okay with it. I can't even tell you how long I've been "leading" now, and in a way it simply does not matter. I just keep putting one foot in front of the other, and it works.
177 this morning
Last week I switched up the amounts of my breakfast foods, increasing the eggs to 4 and reducing the bacon to 2 strips. However I noticed that I got hungry, like around 10'ish every morning. So over the weekend I increased the bacon to 4 strips again (and kept the 4 eggs). Haven't been hungry before lunchtime since. Still eating basically the same foods for lunch and supper, and not missing variety; I simply don't feel the need for it. I can be around all different kinds of "food", and not want any (and I use that term lightly; I'm talking carbohydrate-laden crap.) What does bother me a little is the smell of that stuff...for instance, when I step into the break room at work to heat my lunch and someone has their stuff in the microwave...sometimes the smell of it makes me want to retch. Carbohydrates have a--I don't know, a definite smell. Anyway...
Let's see, what am I working on...oh! I'm so happy that I can now wear my rings! Several years ago, The Mister bought three rings for me (ruby gemstones) that I haven't been able to wear for a long time. I've now lost enough weight that they fit very nicely, thank you. What else...hmm, new clothes. I bought a new pair of slacks, what? --About 2 weeks ago. Yeah, they're too big in the hip area. I bought "curvy" fit slacks because, well, I've been curvy for so long. I really don't need that extra space now, but I certainly won't spend money on another pair. These will be fine for a while. I'm also at the point where I probably need to buy some new jeans, so I'm trying to psych myself up for that event. So it's an interesting combination of imagining myself being in the store trying on jeans, yet NOT spending too much time in my head. I'm telling myself that this event is no big deal (and it honestly isn't), and that this is a good problem to have (needing new clothes because the old ones are getting too big.) Patiently waiting for summer to end and the beautiful fall weather to set in so I can start my daily walks again
Me: 177.5 this morning
All is well; I'm simply plugging along.
I'm paying close attention to the amount of protein I eat--trying to keep it at 4-6 ounces per meal. I'm also eating 4 1/2-cup servings of vegetables for lunch, along with a salad. Supper is a different matter--it's been so hot lately that I'm often not hungry, yet I know I should eat something. So in that case I just fry up some eggs and add a little bit of yellow mustard. I love eggs, never get tired of eating them, and that's really how I can tell if I'm truly hungry or not. Could I eat some eggs? If yes then I'm truly hungry (and not simply bored, etc.)
All is well; I'm simply plugging along.
I'm paying close attention to the amount of protein I eat--trying to keep it at 4-6 ounces per meal. I'm also eating 4 1/2-cup servings of vegetables for lunch, along with a salad. Supper is a different matter--it's been so hot lately that I'm often not hungry, yet I know I should eat something. So in that case I just fry up some eggs and add a little bit of yellow mustard. I love eggs, never get tired of eating them, and that's really how I can tell if I'm truly hungry or not. Could I eat some eggs? If yes then I'm truly hungry (and not simply bored, etc.)
I love eggs too, I don't think I have ever tired of them. They are quick, inexpensive and easy. They are also the first protein food I eat whenever I've been sick, or have dental work, etc. For me a plate of scrambled eggs is calming, tethering, a kind of simple food-emotional home-base maybe? Does that make sense to you?
I think a big part of my slow turnaround was separating myself from the common cultural belief that I needed--that everybody needs--exciting food. Once you're away from it long enough, you begin to see how complicated it can get and how it's not necessary at all.
133 this morning
Me: Oh plodding along is a great place to be, trust me. And actually, I don't have a feeling of this lifestyle (of eating) being unfair, at least not this time--I have felt that way before, with other plans, usually right before a "fall" (a tumble back into the dark side of carbs). But this time...it's almost as if I have finally resigned myself to the reality that there are certain foods that my body simply will not, cannot tolerate. And I'm okay with that--that's the big thing. I'm okay with it. I can't even tell you how long I've been "leading" now, and in a way it simply does not matter. I just keep putting one foot in front of the other, and it works.
177 this morning
Last week I switched up the amounts of my breakfast foods, increasing the eggs to 4 and reducing the bacon to 2 strips. However I noticed that I got hungry, like around 10'ish every morning. So over the weekend I increased the bacon to 4 strips again (and kept the 4 eggs). Haven't been hungry before lunchtime since. Still eating basically the same foods for lunch and supper, and not missing variety; I simply don't feel the need for it. I can be around all different kinds of "food", and not want any (and I use that term lightly; I'm talking carbohydrate-laden crap.) What does bother me a little is the smell of that stuff...for instance, when I step into the break room at work to heat my lunch and someone has their stuff in the microwave...sometimes the smell of it makes me want to retch. Carbohydrates have a--I don't know, a definite smell. Anyway...
Let's see, what am I working on...oh! I'm so happy that I can now wear my rings! Several years ago, The Mister bought three rings for me (ruby gemstones) that I haven't been able to wear for a long time. I've now lost enough weight that they fit very nicely, thank you. What else...hmm, new clothes. I bought a new pair of slacks, what? --About 2 weeks ago. Yeah, they're too big in the hip area. I bought "curvy" fit slacks because, well, I've been curvy for so long. I really don't need that extra space now, but I certainly won't spend money on another pair. These will be fine for a while. I'm also at the point where I probably need to buy some new jeans, so I'm trying to psych myself up for that event. So it's an interesting combination of imagining myself being in the store trying on jeans, yet NOT spending too much time in my head. I'm telling myself that this event is no big deal (and it honestly isn't), and that this is a good problem to have (needing new clothes because the old ones are getting too big.) Patiently waiting for summer to end and the beautiful fall weather to set in so I can start my daily walks again
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Weighty Matters 06/07-15/2016
181 this morning
Good to hear your thoughts on broccoli. I forget that it can sometimes take a couple of days for food to register in our bodies. I will start eating more broccoli and find out what happens. You know, I believe I do need to expand my menu of vegetables.
Oh trust me, I know I abandoned the plan...my beloved 4 P's!! I admit, I got lazy. Won't happen again. Yes, I am back on plan, and have learned my lesson.
I'm not willing to give up bacon at this point in time. For now, as long as I continue to lose the pounds, I'll continue to eat it. If I stall however, (maybe I should say when?) I may have to bite the bullet and find an alternative.
180.5 this morning
I've eaten broccoli two nights in a row with no weight gain, so it was indeed the evil processed meat*/cheese that caused the fluctuation.
"... are you eating *enough vegetables and not too much meat? Have you mapped out your typical day's food on Fitday or another program that gives calories and percentages?
" --I may not be getting the correct ratio of vegetables vs meat. I haven't used FitDay in quite a while, because I figured weight loss=good. Also I don't get hungry in between meals which, to me, means I'm eating enough. But I don't know for sure, Adele--you're the expert!
Here's a typical day's worth of food for me:
Breakfast is 3 eggs scrambled and 4 strips of bacon.
Lunch is chicken (usually)--I don't know how much, because I don't weigh or measure it. I would guess at least an average of 4-6 ounces. Along with the protein, I eat green beans, cauliflower, and a salad (lettuce, celery, and sweet peppers topped with olive oil).
Supper is usually some sort of beef; either plain hamburger patties or a steak, or if I'm not terribly hungry I simply eat more vegetables with no meat.
With lunch and supper, I just eat until I'm full. I never deprive myself, or starve myself--believe me, I eat if I'm hungry! Let me know what you think about my typical food intake.
An interesting thing happened...last month--maybe the end of April, first of May; I don't remember--I bought myself a swimsuit. I haven't had a swimsuit in, oh gosh...I bet it's been 15-20 years. I bought an XL because that's the size I needed at the time. Well, I tried it on again a couple of nights ago and the darn thing is too big (especially in the bust). The silly thing is that I started to get upset about it...you know, having to pick out another one to buy, etc. And then I got ahold of myself mentally, and went, "Dude, you're upset because the suit doesn't fit BECAUSE YOU'VE LOST WEIGHT." It was one of those "oh...I'm an idiot" reactionary moments.
*We get 99% of our meat from a local butcher, including wieners. Because it's a local butcher shop, I tend to think of ALL his products as healthier (than store bought). But I need to remember that line of thinking cannot include wieners, especially those with cheese.
179.5 this morning
Hello 170s--haven't seen you in quite a while!!
Over the weekend I implemented the less-meat plan. To be honest, I thought I would get hungry. But you're not only cutting back on one thing, you're increasing another, the vegetables. It's a balancing act, and it works. I broadened my vegetable horizon, so to speak, adding all sorts of things to my menu: zucchini, kale, baby spinach, cabbage, carrots. (No tomatoes yet, as I'm trying to grow my own.) Oh, I also decreased the amount of bacon I eat for breakfast (now down to 2 strips) and added one egg. Still feeling great, still not getting hungry between meals; life is good.
I keep forgetting to ask, Adele, whether or not you take a daily multivitamin? I have been, but am wondering your position on them.
Adele's Response:
Seems like things are going really well for you. I hope you'll keep planning and abididng your conflicted feelings about how boring and aggravating this is and how frustrated you sometimes are with yourself (well, your inner 13-year-old is anyway) for making yourself follow through on this commitment to yourself.
Everything I've been reading about lowcarb and ketogenic eating for the last few years (as more and more professionals have come to embrace this, adding to the knowledge base) stresses the importance of not going overboard with protein because if we get more than we need it will convert to glucose and goof up ketosis. The sources I trust believe we should aim for a diet with 70-75% of our calories coming from (GOOD) fats. For me it's an ongoing struggle to get that much fat, I still tend to eat more protein than they recommended. So as you're cutting your protein intake, which is usually a good idea, do make sure you're getting plenty of fat in addition to lots of lowcarb veggies. It's the fat plus the fiber from the lowcarb veggies that I've found makes everything work so beautifully (if boringly, lol)
I do not take a multivitamin but I do take a few individual vitamins including Vitamin C, zinc, biotin, and Vitamin D3. I also began taking a calcium supplement this winter when I learned I had osteoporosis and osteopenia.
(135 this morning)
178.5 this morning
Wow, that IS a lot of fat, 70-75%... So I guess it's a good thing then, that I've been drizzling olive oil on everything. (I can't thank you enough for recommending Filippo Berio brand olive oil--all of the good stuff without the taste.) This morning I implemented another change; a small one and yet I have a feeling it will yield big results.) I started cooking my eggs separately from my husband's--his I'll continue to scramble in butter. Mine though, I'll cook in, yes, olive oil. And with that change, my dairy intake is now reduced to the "rare" level.
I bought a new pair of slacks yesterday, size 16 (down from 18) and a very comfortable 16 at that (not sloppy-big but plenty of room).
I believe my broken toe is now healed well enough that I could resume my daily walks, however...the annual Missouri wet woolen blanket (otherwise known as extreme heat and humidity) has settled in, making it too nasty (and sometimes dangerous) to be outside for very long. *sigh* I'll have to bide my time until, oh probably September, but in the meantime I'll just make an effort to move about more in the office.
181 this morning
Good to hear your thoughts on broccoli. I forget that it can sometimes take a couple of days for food to register in our bodies. I will start eating more broccoli and find out what happens. You know, I believe I do need to expand my menu of vegetables.
Oh trust me, I know I abandoned the plan...my beloved 4 P's!! I admit, I got lazy. Won't happen again. Yes, I am back on plan, and have learned my lesson.
I'm not willing to give up bacon at this point in time. For now, as long as I continue to lose the pounds, I'll continue to eat it. If I stall however, (maybe I should say when?) I may have to bite the bullet and find an alternative.
180.5 this morning
I've eaten broccoli two nights in a row with no weight gain, so it was indeed the evil processed meat*/cheese that caused the fluctuation.
"... are you eating *enough vegetables and not too much meat? Have you mapped out your typical day's food on Fitday or another program that gives calories and percentages?
" --I may not be getting the correct ratio of vegetables vs meat. I haven't used FitDay in quite a while, because I figured weight loss=good. Also I don't get hungry in between meals which, to me, means I'm eating enough. But I don't know for sure, Adele--you're the expert!
Breakfast is 3 eggs scrambled and 4 strips of bacon.
Lunch is chicken (usually)--I don't know how much, because I don't weigh or measure it. I would guess at least an average of 4-6 ounces. Along with the protein, I eat green beans, cauliflower, and a salad (lettuce, celery, and sweet peppers topped with olive oil).
Supper is usually some sort of beef; either plain hamburger patties or a steak, or if I'm not terribly hungry I simply eat more vegetables with no meat.
With lunch and supper, I just eat until I'm full. I never deprive myself, or starve myself--believe me, I eat if I'm hungry! Let me know what you think about my typical food intake.
An interesting thing happened...last month--maybe the end of April, first of May; I don't remember--I bought myself a swimsuit. I haven't had a swimsuit in, oh gosh...I bet it's been 15-20 years. I bought an XL because that's the size I needed at the time. Well, I tried it on again a couple of nights ago and the darn thing is too big (especially in the bust). The silly thing is that I started to get upset about it...you know, having to pick out another one to buy, etc. And then I got ahold of myself mentally, and went, "Dude, you're upset because the suit doesn't fit BECAUSE YOU'VE LOST WEIGHT." It was one of those "oh...I'm an idiot" reactionary moments.
*We get 99% of our meat from a local butcher, including wieners. Because it's a local butcher shop, I tend to think of ALL his products as healthier (than store bought). But I need to remember that line of thinking cannot include wieners, especially those with cheese.
179.5 this morning
Hello 170s--haven't seen you in quite a while!!
Over the weekend I implemented the less-meat plan. To be honest, I thought I would get hungry. But you're not only cutting back on one thing, you're increasing another, the vegetables. It's a balancing act, and it works. I broadened my vegetable horizon, so to speak, adding all sorts of things to my menu: zucchini, kale, baby spinach, cabbage, carrots. (No tomatoes yet, as I'm trying to grow my own.) Oh, I also decreased the amount of bacon I eat for breakfast (now down to 2 strips) and added one egg. Still feeling great, still not getting hungry between meals; life is good.
I keep forgetting to ask, Adele, whether or not you take a daily multivitamin? I have been, but am wondering your position on them.
Adele's Response:
Seems like things are going really well for you. I hope you'll keep planning and abididng your conflicted feelings about how boring and aggravating this is and how frustrated you sometimes are with yourself (well, your inner 13-year-old is anyway) for making yourself follow through on this commitment to yourself.
Everything I've been reading about lowcarb and ketogenic eating for the last few years (as more and more professionals have come to embrace this, adding to the knowledge base) stresses the importance of not going overboard with protein because if we get more than we need it will convert to glucose and goof up ketosis. The sources I trust believe we should aim for a diet with 70-75% of our calories coming from (GOOD) fats. For me it's an ongoing struggle to get that much fat, I still tend to eat more protein than they recommended. So as you're cutting your protein intake, which is usually a good idea, do make sure you're getting plenty of fat in addition to lots of lowcarb veggies. It's the fat plus the fiber from the lowcarb veggies that I've found makes everything work so beautifully (if boringly, lol)
I do not take a multivitamin but I do take a few individual vitamins including Vitamin C, zinc, biotin, and Vitamin D3. I also began taking a calcium supplement this winter when I learned I had osteoporosis and osteopenia.
(135 this morning)
178.5 this morning
Wow, that IS a lot of fat, 70-75%... So I guess it's a good thing then, that I've been drizzling olive oil on everything. (I can't thank you enough for recommending Filippo Berio brand olive oil--all of the good stuff without the taste.) This morning I implemented another change; a small one and yet I have a feeling it will yield big results.) I started cooking my eggs separately from my husband's--his I'll continue to scramble in butter. Mine though, I'll cook in, yes, olive oil. And with that change, my dairy intake is now reduced to the "rare" level.
I bought a new pair of slacks yesterday, size 16 (down from 18) and a very comfortable 16 at that (not sloppy-big but plenty of room).
I believe my broken toe is now healed well enough that I could resume my daily walks, however...the annual Missouri wet woolen blanket (otherwise known as extreme heat and humidity) has settled in, making it too nasty (and sometimes dangerous) to be outside for very long. *sigh* I'll have to bide my time until, oh probably September, but in the meantime I'll just make an effort to move about more in the office.
Weighty Matters 05/31-06/06/2016
182.5 today
I know you're right about giving the toe time to heal, Adele.
I know you're right about giving the toe time to heal, Adele.
I do not want to risk further injury, or delays in
healing, simply for the sake
of daily walks. I mean, good grief...the fact that
I can only wear sneakers should
be a clue. LoL
The Husband and I took a vacation day on Friday, giving us both a 4-day weekend.
The Husband and I took a vacation day on Friday, giving us both a 4-day weekend.
I did fine--no cheats, although I'm not sure I ate
enough. I was extremely hungry yesterday,
and got hungry
earlier than normal. I fixed myself lunch at 11:00 (Hubby was napping),
where normally I don't get hungry at the office until
around noon. Maybe I was bored or maybe
I was just colder than usual, or perhaps it was a
combination of both; I don't know.
I have been gently exploring the thought of buying some new (smaller) clothing.
I have been gently exploring the thought of buying some new (smaller) clothing.
Have no intention of doing so yet, only exploring
thoughts of it. Because this action in the
past, buying smaller sized clothing, usually triggers all
sorts of feelings...you name the emotion
and chances are I've experienced it in connection with clothes
So I thought I would try getting myself used to the idea
of smaller sized clothing NOW, gently
and in an emotionally safe place (in my head) where I can
quickly retreat if need be. Sort of
telling myself "it's just a number (clothing size),
don't attach any significance to it, buy what
fits", etc. And if I feel emotions
start to well up, then I mentally walk away.
182.5 today
This weekend was a learning experience, food-wise. Saturday I was down to 181.5; decided to heat up some (frozen) broccoli for supper. I don't eat broccoli very often--I usually stick to lettuce, cauliflower, and green beans. So I thought broccoli would make a nice change of pace. --And immediately went up half a pound the next morning. Nothing else was different, so I know it was the broccoli. Then! As if that wasn't enough, on Sunday I ate wieners with cheese in them. (Butcher made, but still...) I had forgotten that these particular wieners contain cheese when I heated them up. Did I HAVE to eat the cheesy wieners? No, I could have heated up some chicken or cooked myself a hamburger(s). But I was tired, and I also wanted to see what effect the cheese would have on my weight. Of course it went up, another half pound. So now I know that I should stay away from broccoli, at least for now (wonder if I'll ever be able to add it to my food list?) and my suspicions concerning most dairy products is correct: that I should also avoid them. Lessons learned.
My broken toe is doing very well. I'm walking at a normal gait now, that is on flat surfaces. Still have to be careful on inclines. I'm even wearing dress shoes today instead of sneakers! (Dress shoes = loafers) However I am still going to abstain from daily walks for a while; the reality is that the injury only occurred three weeks ago tomorrow. Maybe in July I'll be able to resume the walks, fingers crossed.
This weekend was a learning experience, food-wise. Saturday I was down to 181.5; decided to heat up some (frozen) broccoli for supper. I don't eat broccoli very often--I usually stick to lettuce, cauliflower, and green beans. So I thought broccoli would make a nice change of pace. --And immediately went up half a pound the next morning. Nothing else was different, so I know it was the broccoli. Then! As if that wasn't enough, on Sunday I ate wieners with cheese in them. (Butcher made, but still...) I had forgotten that these particular wieners contain cheese when I heated them up. Did I HAVE to eat the cheesy wieners? No, I could have heated up some chicken or cooked myself a hamburger(s). But I was tired, and I also wanted to see what effect the cheese would have on my weight. Of course it went up, another half pound. So now I know that I should stay away from broccoli, at least for now (wonder if I'll ever be able to add it to my food list?) and my suspicions concerning most dairy products is correct: that I should also avoid them. Lessons learned.
My broken toe is doing very well. I'm walking at a normal gait now, that is on flat surfaces. Still have to be careful on inclines. I'm even wearing dress shoes today instead of sneakers! (Dress shoes = loafers) However I am still going to abstain from daily walks for a while; the reality is that the injury only occurred three weeks ago tomorrow. Maybe in July I'll be able to resume the walks, fingers crossed.
Adele's Response:
I’m not so sure I’d be dismissing broccoli just yet for many reasons. First off, a measly half-pound fluctuation less than 24 hours later to me is unremarkable or at least premature. Give it 24 hours at least, eat it more than once for a few days without anything else different added (including butter—a “dairy product”). If you see a SIGNIFICANT weight gain, then I’ll accept your conclusion.
I say this especially given that the very next day you “test” highly-processed, cheese-containing hot dogs. (Should I be asking, where was your plan?
) To me that negates your broccoli test entirely. I think it’s entirely possible that had you not decided to eat the hot dogs, you would have lost a pound instead of gained a pound, and that would be an indication that the broccoli was not a problem, that blip was just a blip that we all have on a daily basis.
Having a plan is what is supposed to get you THROUGH tired, cranky moments that we all have.
I’ll also bring up here that upthread you mention you’re eating bacon daily, another processed meat (unless you mean unprocessed pork side/belly, it’s the same cut of meat but no processing, nothing but pure pork.) For breakfast meat, you might want to switch to (homemade?) sausage, which is not processed, or eat an extra egg or two and skip breakfast meat entirely.
Also, for longer-term sustainability, I’ve found eating a wide variety of vegetables to be crucial—way more than three! Every week I eat broccoli, collards greens, kale, cauliflower, carrots (3-4/week), red and green cabbage, brussels sprouts, bean sprouts (primarily sprouted broccoli seeds), green beans, garlic and onions. Most people find they can eat tomatoes and eggplant (they’re nightshades and cause me joint pains, not weight gain).
But I’m getting ahead of myself. Hopefully you’re back on plan and have learned a valuable lesson from this. You always have to have a plan AND the wherewithal to carry on with it even when you and your inner 13-year-old don’t want to.
(132 this morning)
Adele's Response, part II
How could I forget lettuce, spinach (fresh--sauteed with garlic) and zucchini! Vegetables are what keeps me going.
This also makes me wonder Tricia, are you eating *enough vegetables and not too much meat? Have you mapped out your typical day's food on Fitday or another program that gives calories and percentages?
132 this morning
I say this especially given that the very next day you “test” highly-processed, cheese-containing hot dogs. (Should I be asking, where was your plan?
Having a plan is what is supposed to get you THROUGH tired, cranky moments that we all have.
I’ll also bring up here that upthread you mention you’re eating bacon daily, another processed meat (unless you mean unprocessed pork side/belly, it’s the same cut of meat but no processing, nothing but pure pork.) For breakfast meat, you might want to switch to (homemade?) sausage, which is not processed, or eat an extra egg or two and skip breakfast meat entirely.
Also, for longer-term sustainability, I’ve found eating a wide variety of vegetables to be crucial—way more than three! Every week I eat broccoli, collards greens, kale, cauliflower, carrots (3-4/week), red and green cabbage, brussels sprouts, bean sprouts (primarily sprouted broccoli seeds), green beans, garlic and onions. Most people find they can eat tomatoes and eggplant (they’re nightshades and cause me joint pains, not weight gain).
But I’m getting ahead of myself. Hopefully you’re back on plan and have learned a valuable lesson from this. You always have to have a plan AND the wherewithal to carry on with it even when you and your inner 13-year-old don’t want to.
(132 this morning)
Adele's Response, part II
How could I forget lettuce, spinach (fresh--sauteed with garlic) and zucchini! Vegetables are what keeps me going.
This also makes me wonder Tricia, are you eating *enough vegetables and not too much meat? Have you mapped out your typical day's food on Fitday or another program that gives calories and percentages?
132 this morning
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