Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Weighty Matters 06/07-15/2016

181 this morning
Good to hear your thoughts on broccoli.  I forget that it can sometimes take a couple of days for food to register in our bodies.  I will start eating more broccoli and find out what happens.  You know, I believe I do need to expand my menu of vegetables.  

Oh trust me, I know I abandoned the beloved 4 P's!! I admit, I got lazy.  Won't happen again.  Yes, I am back on plan, and have learned my lesson.  

I'm not willing to give up bacon at this point in time.  For now, as long as I continue to lose the pounds, I'll continue to eat it.  If I stall however, (maybe I should say when?) I may have to bite the bullet and find an alternative.  

180.5 this morning

I've eaten broccoli two nights in a row with no weight gain, so it was indeed the evil processed meat*/cheese that caused the fluctuation.

"... are you eating *enough vegetables and not too much meat? Have you mapped out your typical day's food on Fitday or another program that gives calories and percentages?
"  --I may not be getting the correct ratio of vegetables vs meat.  I haven't used FitDay in quite a while, because I figured weight loss=good.  Also I don't get hungry in between meals which, to me, means I'm eating enough.  But I don't know for sure, Adele--you're the expert!   :)   Here's a typical day's worth of food for me:

Breakfast is 3 eggs scrambled and 4 strips of bacon.
Lunch is chicken (usually)--I don't know how much, because I don't weigh or measure it.  I would guess at least an average of 4-6 ounces.  Along with the protein, I eat green beans, cauliflower, and a salad (lettuce, celery, and sweet peppers topped with olive oil).  
Supper is usually some sort of beef; either plain hamburger patties or a steak, or if I'm not terribly hungry I simply eat more vegetables with no meat.  
With lunch and supper, I just eat until I'm full.  I never deprive myself, or starve myself--believe me, I eat if I'm hungry!  Let me know what you think about my typical food intake.

An interesting thing happened...last month--maybe the end of April, first of May; I don't remember--I bought myself a swimsuit.  I haven't had a swimsuit in, oh gosh...I bet it's been 15-20 years.  I bought an XL because that's the size I needed at the time.  Well, I tried it on again a couple of nights ago and the darn thing is too big (especially in the bust).  The silly thing is that I started to get upset about know, having to pick out another one to buy, etc.  And then I got ahold of myself mentally, and went, "Dude, you're upset because the suit doesn't fit BECAUSE YOU'VE LOST WEIGHT."  It was one of those "oh...I'm an idiot" reactionary moments.

*We get 99% of our meat from a local butcher, including wieners.  Because it's a local butcher shop, I tend to think of ALL his products as healthier (than store bought).  But I need to remember that line of thinking cannot include wieners, especially those with cheese.

179.5 this morning

Hello 170s--haven't seen you in quite a while!!  
Over the weekend I implemented the less-meat plan.  To be honest, I thought I would get hungry.  But you're not only cutting back on one thing, you're increasing another, the vegetables.  It's a balancing act, and it works.  I broadened my vegetable horizon, so to speak, adding all sorts of things to my menu:  zucchini, kale, baby spinach, cabbage, carrots.  (No tomatoes yet, as I'm trying to grow my own.)  Oh, I also decreased the amount of bacon I eat for breakfast (now down to 2 strips) and added one egg.  Still feeling great, still not getting hungry between meals; life is good.   :)   

I keep forgetting to ask, Adele, whether or not you take a daily multivitamin?  I have been, but am wondering your position on them.

Adele's Response:
Seems like things are going really well for you. I hope you'll keep planning and abididng your conflicted feelings about how boring and aggravating this is and how frustrated you sometimes are with yourself (well, your inner 13-year-old is anyway) for making yourself follow through on this commitment to yourself. 

Everything I've been reading about lowcarb and ketogenic eating for the last few years (as more and more professionals have come to embrace this, adding to the knowledge base) stresses the importance of not going overboard with protein because if we get more than we need it will convert to glucose and goof up ketosis. The sources I trust believe we should aim for a diet with 70-75% of our calories coming from (GOOD) fats. For me it's an ongoing struggle to get that much fat, I still tend to eat more protein than they recommended. So as you're cutting your protein intake, which is usually a good idea, do make sure you're getting plenty of fat in addition to lots of lowcarb veggies. It's the fat plus the fiber from the lowcarb veggies that I've found makes everything work so beautifully (if boringly, lol)

I do not take a multivitamin but I do take a few individual vitamins including Vitamin C, zinc, biotin, and Vitamin D3. I also began taking a calcium supplement this winter when I learned I had osteoporosis and osteopenia. 

(135 this morning) 

178.5 this morning

Wow, that IS a lot of fat, 70-75%...  So I guess it's a good thing then, that I've been drizzling olive oil on everything.   (I can't thank you enough for recommending Filippo Berio brand olive oil--all of the good stuff without the taste.)  This morning I implemented another change; a small one and yet I have a feeling it will yield big results.)  I started cooking my eggs separately from my husband's--his I'll continue to scramble in butter.  Mine though, I'll cook in, yes, olive oil.  And with that change, my dairy intake is now reduced to the "rare" level.  

I bought a new pair of slacks yesterday, size 16 (down from 18) and a very comfortable 16 at that (not sloppy-big but plenty of room).  

I believe my broken toe is now healed well enough that I could resume my daily walks, however...the annual Missouri wet woolen blanket (otherwise known as extreme heat and humidity) has settled in, making it too nasty (and sometimes dangerous) to be outside for very long.  *sigh*  I'll have to bide my time until, oh probably September, but in the meantime I'll just make an effort to move about more in the office.

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