Wednesday, December 23, 2015


Washed and conditioned this morning, left the length down.  Had I taken a noon time walk, I would have clipped it up for safety's sake.  Very much looking forward to next week's cut.  I took the "before" picture this morning and will post it along with the "after" shot when I return from break.

The weather is crazy here...68 degrees with a thunderstorm and a tornado watch today.  --Two days before Christmas!  It's unheard of!!  Not complaining, mind you...because aaalll of this wetness would be snow or ice if our temperature was down where it normally hits in December.  I was planning on taking a nice walk during the lunch hour today, but the wind is pretty fierce.  I may try to brave it later on, if things settle down.

The Grand-daughter has strep throat, ugh.  Just diagnosed yesterday and already has a couple of doses of the medicine shooshting through her system, so I'm hopeful the virus didn't have time to gain much of a foothold.  I picked her up early from school yesterday (to take her to the doctor) and I could tell she was sick when she said not one word.  As The Mister says, she usually talks so much you'd think she'd been inoculated with a phonograph needle.  Now this morning she woke up more like her old self, talking and smiling.  The school has a 24-hour "stay away" policy when there is fever involved, which she had...low-grade, thank goodness, so today my little princess stayed home with her mama.

Today, Wednesday, is my Friday and the entire university community is holding our collective breath, waiting for word to come from On High to dismiss early.  My Christmas shopping is finished, thank the Lord above, but I do need to fuel up the car, and then I can head home.  The Mister's shop will be closed tomorrow and Christmas day, however he will be on call (as always).  While I'm on holiday I plan on cleaning the house...I'm talking the level of removing the vent covers to vacuum, etc.  Anyway, I don't come back to work until January 4...I'll be one year older and have shorter hair.  LoL

To anyone and everyone who reads this mess of a blog, I wish you & yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

Thursday, December 17, 2015


I just called my stylist, making an appointment for December 30 to get my hair cut.  --She couldn't fit me in before then, which is all me plenty of time to *really* be sure I want it gone, and to warn my family a change is coming.  This article helped me decide, especially item #10, "'re the same person regardless of what your hair looks like."  For some reason, reading those words flipped the switch; it was what I needed to give myself permission to cut it off.  Change is good.  And yes, I'll post a picture when I can, although it will be after I return from Christmas break.  

Also I got to thinking...maybe I'm not meant to be a full-time longhair...maybe I'm the girl who grows her hair long so she can cut it and donate it to others who need it more than she.  Maybe I'm *that* girl...

Wednesday, December 16, 2015


I'm on the fence about cutting my hair.  This is why I always wait to cut for a couple of weeks when the urge hits me.  It's fine for others to spout the offhanded advice of "it's JUST hair; it WILL grow back".  However for longhairs it's not that easy.  Take my hair for example:  it represents 2 1/2  years of growing and care, not unlike a garden that you tend.  Two and a half years is a good chunk of life...heck, it's longer than some marriages last nowadays.  So yes, cutting off my hair is a big decision, one that I do not make lightly.  I always go back to my older paper journals and find the entries made around the time after a cut.  Was I happy with the cut?  How long did it take me to want to regrow my length?  Why did I decided to regrow?  Something else I have to consider is my age; in a couple of weeks I'll turn 54.  There may be a time limit factor involved, to where I won't always be able to regrow my hair to waist length and beyond.  (I want to believe that I can, but who knows...)  On the other hand, maybe I'm overthinking this thing...I tend to do that...I know you're shocked.  Heh  But seriously, there are more important issues in life than hair.  

It's final exams week here at good ol' Southeast Missouri State University, so I'm busy running teachers tests through the Opscan machine.  They love me right now.  Next Wednesday will be my last day to work for the year--won't have to come back until January 4.  I have a few plans for the time off; there are a couple of shops I want to visit, and I'd like to do some reading, and I desperately need to clean the house.  I may have to help The Mister do inventory although he's assured me he can do it himself.  

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Suddenly, and rather surprisingly, I want to get my hair cut short.  S-H-O-R-T.
I'm always blindsided by these feelings.  The cause?  I saw a photo of Caroline Lucas, example below, and thought...

I want that haircut.
You could have knocked me over with a feather, I was so surprised at myself.  I mean, it's nothing spectacular, is it, her cut?  It's not as if I get the urge to chop every time I see a woman with short hair.  So why this one??  *shrug*  No clue.  All I know is that now I'm flipping through sites featuring short styles for women.  Of course, I'll wait a while before making any decisions.  And I really, really need to ponder this action before jumping into the deep end of the swamp...because in the past I have regretted cutting my hair almost every single time I've done it.  Not right away, mind you; the regret sometimes comes several days afterwards.  But come it does, and then I restart the process of growing out my hair yet again.