Wednesday, January 25, 2017


158.5 today

According to the BMI chart, I am officially considered "normal weight".  To say I am elated would be an understatement.  To deny being a little scared would be a lie.  I've been overweight, obese, for so long that of course I'm thrilled.  I feel so a new person.  And yet I have to admit of being scared of sliding back into old (bad) eating habits, of letting my guard down.  I remain ever vigilant of errant thoughts, even though I haven't experienced any thought of cheating since I started Leading With the Diet.  I remind myself that I am in control of my eating, I and I alone.  Rereading Adele's essays is also helpful when I feel a bit paranoid about this journey.  

Tuesday, January 10, 2017


Today was a perfect example of Lead With the Diet principles...

My department enjoyed our "after the holidays" luncheon today at a local BBQ restaurant.  I was happy about this because I know from experience that their pulled pork is served naked (sans sauce).  The buffet held said pork, along with ribs (also naked), potato salad, baked beans, berry cobbler, brownies, and ice cream.  I filled my plate with pulled pork--must have eaten at least a pound of the stuff, maybe two!  However...I had also planned ahead.  I brought "good" food to work with me today, just in case the BBQ place failed me.  Always plan ahead!

Wednesday, January 4, 2017


160.5 today

Hello and a happy new year to you!  I had a nice break from work, but was ready to get back to a routine.

Now, I want to share some images with you.  This was me, taken in July of 2015 (in the lovely ladies' room where I work).  In January of 2015 I weighed 198 lbs and I doubt I had lost any weight by July.

This is me today, a year and a half later.
I bought 3 pair of Lee brand Chinos, size (drum roll, please) 14, down from a size 18.  So much has happened during this 8 month weight loss period--and I'm nowhere near done yet.  I feel better, and I look better.  You'll notice that my shirt is tucked in; I would never have done that a year ago.  I also bought some new bras.  I had to try them on in the store (something I hate doing) since I wasn't sure what size I was down to.  I reckoned I was either a 38 or 40 band, and a C cup and, sure enough, I'm a 40C--down from a 42D.  I'll tell you what, wearing proper size clothing makes a huge difference (not just in bras).  I'm still wearing my size 18 khaki pants for a while because there's nothing wrong with them (as in no stains, no holes, etc.), and most of my shirts are now too big.  But again, there's nothing wrong with them except the size.  I did buy a couple of new shirts over the holiday break, one of which is the magenta v-neck in the photo above.

I am enjoying the concept of buying/wearing smaller clothing, however I would be lying if I said that it wasn't messing with my head.  It's been about 10 years since I was at this weight.  I was plus size for so many years; that's who I was.  It was interesting walking past the plus-size sections of the store and thinking, "Walk on by, babe; that's not you anymore."  It's important for me to stay out of my head during this transition as much as possible, otherwise I get a little freaked out.