April 20, 2016: Yesterday I did not eat the cake.
(I can't believe it's been 6 months since my last entry.)
I have not been leading with the diet.
I have not been eating healthy.
My weight is up to 193.
I have been listening to the lies my inner child tells me.
You know the ones:
You're too tired/scared/happy/hungry to eat healthy; just grab whatever.
Friday the 15th I decided that, once again, I'd had enough, and I started low carb again.
You're right, Adele; zero carb is way too restrictive for me. I keep trying it though (zero carb),
thinking "this time". What's the definition of insanity? Mm hmm.
Low carb I can do.
Low carb WORKS for me.
And it's so easy, with planning and prepping ahead of time.
No brainer stuff.
A co-worker had a birthday party over the weekend and on Monday he brought a bunch of
leftover cake to the office. That damn cake taunted me all day. I thought hard about eating
a piece. Just one piece, it won't hurt, you're not very far along in the diet, just one piece, C'MON!!!
That old chestnut.
But I hung tight and refused to give in. Anytime I thought about giving in, I distracted myself, and
it worked. Tuesday some of that cake was still in the break room, and the temptation was still present.
Not as strong though. And today there was no temptation at all when I walked into the break room
and that last piece of cake was winking at me. None whatsoever. I'm so glad I stayed strong.
I love this feeling, this stage of strength. Am I hungry enough to eat a serving of almonds or cashews?
No? --Then it's a craving and not true hunger. Take action and the craving will disappear.
Take a walk, write a letter, do something, anything.
Adele, I hope you're doing well. Did the wrist heal all right?
Adele's Response:
And it's so easy, with planning and prepping ahead of time.
No brainer stuff.
I disagree, Trisha.
It IS simple, but it is not any kind of easy. (If it was easy, you'd have had this issue taken care of years ago.) The rules are simple, especially the rules that will have the weight coming off as speedily as possible--adequate unprocessed meats, lots of good fats and lots of lowcarb vegetables. Following those rules 24/7/365 with NO breaks or exceptions takes a single-minded commitment.
Have you read Jill's thread yet?
139 this morning
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