Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Weighty Matters 05/02-03/2016

May 2, 2016
188 this morning
Two weeks "clean".   
No sugar, no dairy*, and no grains.  
I feel great.  I feel happy and strong and powerful.
But I also continue to remind myself that "there but for the grace of clean eating go I".  
I never want to forget that I am one bite (slip) away from falling into a ravine yet again.
And I don't like it in the ravine.  It's dark and hopeless down there.  
I like being on top of the hill where I can see the sun shine and smell the flowers.

I have found that I really don't like the taste of olive oil; it's too heavy for me.
So I've begun using plain ol' vegetable oil on my salads.  Oil, salt & pepper are the
only things I need.  I've taken to carrying a small squeeze bottle of oil with me, 
when I know The Husband and I are going out for a meal.  

* The only dairy I consume is 1 tablespoon used for scrambling morning eggs.  
Doesn't seem to affect me.  But one day (soon) I should probably drop it, at 
least for a while, just to see if I notice a change.  

Adele's Response:
Just a couple of pointers/ideas...

1. Scrambled eggs really are fine without anything added, I promise. I actually prefer them that way! Or try 1 tablespoon of water. If you are highly reactive to dairy, that much can make a difference. 

2. I use Filippo Berio Light Olive Oil, because I too really dislike the strong taste of regular or extra virgin olive oil. I like the taste (almost no taste!) of the Berio very much. The advantage of olive oil over regular vegetable oil is that it contains Omega 3's, which are good. Most vegetable oils are full of Omega 6's, which are "bad". Here's more info on that: The Ugly Truth About Vegetable Oils

140 this morning

May 3, 2016
187.5 this morning

Well, I cook the eggs in cast iron, so I'm not sure using only water would work.  
(The rule with cast iron is hot skillet/cool oil (or butter or something)) for non-stick cooking.
But I'm certainly willing to give it a try!  I'll try the water tomorrow morning.

Thanks for the link explaining vegetable oil.  I didn't know any of that, yeesh.  
I was using the Bertolli brand of (extra light) olive oil, but maybe the Filippo brand is better.  
Again, I'm willing to try it.
Luckily I have some of the Bertolli at work, so I can ditch the veg. oil starting today.  

Adele's Response:
Oh...I thought you were *adding cream to your eggs before putting them in the skillet. ;)

I have 3 cast iron skillets and use them almost exclusively. I use either rendered pork fat or the Berio olive oil for cooking my eggs. 

I didn't realize those facts about vegetable oils for a long time myself. Because of my dislike of olive oil, along with it's higher cost, I used cold pressed sunflower oil for several years assuming it would be a healthy choice. I was wrong! I switched back to the olive oil about a year ago.

138 this morning

My Response:
For what it's worth, even a tiny amount of butter produces some unpleasant dairy symptoms in me, not sure how universal that might be. I'm honestly not sure it affects my weight because once I figured out the diet I had to follow to lose weight and came to accept it by staying with it for a very long time, I've never toyed with it long enough to test that. For me it causes sinus clogging and post nasal drip within a couple of hours, which makes me feel like I constantly have to clear my throat, and those symptoms will last for at least several days. After years of living without sinus issues, it was a no brainer to not have to deal with that for so little "sacrifice." 

It's your call, of course, but if I were you, I'd want to see what happens with none, then try adding it after a month or longer. 

A month without butter...the thought of that is a little scary.  Which probably means I need to do it.  
What if that tablespoon of butter is the only thing left causing my sinus issues?  Wow, it would be
wonderful to stop needing antihistamine tablets and nasal spray.  Okay, I'm in; I'm going to quit
butter.  I can do this.  I can find a different way to cook the eggs.  Now I'm excited!  

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