192 this morning
Just returned from a 15 minute walk.
Yes ma'am, I have read Jill's thread. Actually I've read all of the threads here. :-)
In reading each journal, at some point, I would find myself shaking my head, thinking, "You idiot, why are you doing/not doing that? Can't you see you're doing X and Y because of Z? Don't you know how this is going to end (back on the carb highway again)??" Only to realize moments later that I, at some point, had done EXACTLY the same thing.
It's so easy to recognize in others, yet I'm blind to my own shortcomings.
No nuts or cheese today, and no snacks between meals.
For lunch I'll have a packet of tuna in oil, some green beans, and a salad.
And another 15 minute walk this afternoon.
April 22, 2016
192 this morning
I'm re-reading "A Better Approach", and have done this step, "The first step is to obtain your body’s daily caloric requirement or basal metabolic rate (BMR) here." Although I'm assuming the weight we plug into the formula app is our current number and NOT our goal weight.
Is that right, Adele? Anyway, that's the number I used (192), which gives me a BMR of 1504 calories, plus the 2-250 additional.
So 1500-1700 calories a day, give or take.
I am doing without any dairy now.
No "special category" foods.
No processed meat.
No grain products, low carb or otherwise.
No fruit, or alcohol. No nuts/seeds.
No artificial sweeteners.
So it's basically protein (75+grams daily), and low carb veggies, of which I need to eat around 30 net carbs daily.
I am woefully below that 30 net grams mark, and will start working on it tonight.
Starting today it's olive oil for the salad instead of low carb dressings.
Physically, I am feeling better...less bloat and more energy.
Speaking of which, it's time for a walk.
Adele's Response:
So Tricia, what do you feel you can learn from reading Jill's ultra-typical up-and-down journey--or any other journey thread here. How will your journey be different?
(Do you realize that Jill never saw my final post in that thread? She never returned to the site after posting her final entry.)
139 this morning
April 25, 2016
190.5 this morning
One thing I've learned from reading the journals, and from personal experience, is to not allow anything to rule my eating plan--not emotional turmoil, not physical tiredness, nothing. Plan the food ahead of time, stick to the plan no matter what, and then I'll be able to ride out whatever happens. I said that was one thing I've learned, but maybe that's the most important thing. Yes, I saw that Jill has not checked back in...wow, it's been 3 years. I wonder how she's doing?
The Husband and I have developed a new habit, where we go out for breakfast on Saturday mornings. (Otherwise, I cook bacon and eggs every day.) There's a nice family style restaurant in a neighboring town we patronize. So we get to the restaurant this past Saturday, and as he's looking over the menu, he says,
"What are you going to get?"
"Bacon and eggs."
"You're going to eat the same stuff here that you eat every day at home?"
"Yep!" --And he shakes his head, like I'm an idiot, while ordering hash browns and an English muffin to go with his sausage and eggs. That's okay, buddy, you just keep eating that crap.
I had a really good weekend...ate "clean" food, no cheats, no temptations, didn't get hungry. One of the things I find amazing is that I don't need between meal snacks when I eat cleanly. I just don't get hungry. My mind clears, my sinuses clear, everything is better.
One week behind me. At this point I'm trying to stay out of my head, so to speak. Not worrying about the "what ifs". If I plan ahead and always have clean food available, then I shouldn't have to worry about the "what ifs".
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