Thursday, August 18, 2016


Last week, on Monday the 8th, I began practicing the CWC method, which stands for Condition/Wash/Condition, and I have to say I love it.  I don't know why I haven't practiced this method during the years I've been growing and re-growing my hair.  It's so very simple, and my length feels divine.  I'm using up the Herbal Essences body something-or-other for the first condition, my normal Pantene for the wash, and Pantene again for the final condition.  Yeah, Herbal Essences was all right, but in the end I returned home to Pantene.  Anyway, I have found that I can leave my length down with few to no tangles, and my hair feels wonderful.

I've had a love affair with long skirts for years now.  They're comfortable, they're modest, and I felt that I looked decent in them.  But recently...I don't know what happened.  I almost can't stand to wear the long skirts.  They...I don't know, it's weird!  They still feel comfortable, but...they're just not me anymore.  It makes me a little sad, to be honest.  I have skirts that are shorter, that hit just below the knee, and they feel fine.  It's just the long skirts that...well, I'm afraid I'll end up giving them away. In fact I'm now more comfortable in trousers than skirts where it used to be just the opposite.  Isn't it funny how our taste in clothing sometimes does a 180.  Different seasons of life, I guess.  Maybe it has something to do with my weight loss and feeling more confident with clothing that shows off a little more of my shape.  

Speaking of weight loss, I have been doing so.  Last January, 2015, I stepped on my bathroom scale and waited for the digital numbers to stop spinning. that time I did not weigh myself on a regular basis.  I am one of those folks who believe that a bathroom scale is not an accurate tool for measurement.  All you have to do is google "why the bathroom scale lies" and read for yourself.  However, once in a great while I used to step on the thing, just to get a general idea of what was going on.

When the numbers finally settled on that first day of January 2015, my birthday by the way, I saw 198.  One hundred and ninety-eight pounds...two pounds shy of 200. Holy...I have never been skinny* but I had never, ever weighed THAT much in my entire life.  Believe me, I'm all for the HAES movement, and for people living their lives however they please.  But for me, 198 was too much.  It's not that I couldn't handle being that size; I'm 5' 7.5" and do not have a delicate little frame.  But I had lost a lot of weight in 2005 on a low carbohydrate diet**--had gotten down to 150 pounds and felt absolutely amazing.

Thing is, I hadn't felt amazing in a long, long time.  You see, in 2012-2013 a couple of life events happened that really knocked me off kilter.  My granddaughter was born in July of 2012, and in early 2013 my husband bought a small business.  I, well "we", both my husband and I, started taking the easy way out, eating a lot of fast food, and the pounds piled on for both of us.  I reached my limit in October of 2015 and rediscovered a site called Lead With The Diet.  It's run by a super lady named Adele and well, I'll let you read about her at the website.  There's a message board attached to her website, but there isn't a lot of activity.  In fact, I think right now it's just her and me.  I've kept a journal there, however one must be a member to read, so I think I'm going to start copying and moving those entries to this blog.  I'm not sure how Adele feels about keeping the journals around forever, so I'm a little concerned my "record" will disappear.  I am going to tag the copied entries with the prefix "weighty matters", in case y'all want to skip over them.  I'm telling you though...this way of eating** has changed my life.  I'm currently at 172.5 pounds and feel so much healthier.  My goal is to hit 150 pounds again, or even lower.  

*Except for that one time in my early 20s when I basically starved myself to fit into a size 7 dress.  What an idiot I was...

**I hate that word (diet).

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